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“I knew the photographers were going to be everywhere. I wanted to protect my privacy.”

“Well, that’s a bunch of crap.”

A flare of anger sparked in him. “What the hell, Jessie?”

“Don’t even,” she snapped, and he heard the mirror of his anger in her tone. “I trusted you. I believed you. I mean, what the hell, Griffin? You come in here all rah-rah and tell us that these horrible, ugly, nasty scars aren’t going to ruin our lives, and then you go and hide? Who does that?”

He said nothing. She was right, of course. Who did that?

He did, apparently.

“Hello? Oh, come on. Did you hang up on me? That’s just the most asshole thing—”

“I’m here.”


“You’re right.”

Silence filled the line.


“What did you say?”

“I said you’re right.”

“Wow. Grown-ups never say that.”

“Well, I’ve been acting like a child, so maybe that’s why I can say it.”

At that, she laughed outright.

“Glad I’m amusing you. But yeah, you’re right, and Beverly is right, and I’m a damn chicken.” And wasn’t that the truth?

He drew in a breath, then continued. “But I want you to know that everything I told you was true. And I believe every word.”

“So get off your ass and do something. Flip those reporters the bird. Take off that freaky costume. And a hoodie? Seriously? Show them the real you.”

He bit back a smile. “If I do it, will you?”

“I’ve been doing it, remember? You’re the one who told me to. I’ve been walking the walk, Griff. You’ve only been talking the talk. Honestly, man, you can do better.”

“Yeah,” he said. “You’re right.”

“Well, duh.”

He laughed outright. “Hey, Jessie. Thanks. I needed this.”

“Anytime,” she said. “And just so you know, I’m going to be stalking you and Beverly online. I’ll know if you chicken out.”

“Not a problem.” He knew what he wanted, and Jessie had just kicked his ass hard enough to make him go after it. “I think I’m about to make you proud.”

* * *

Beverly’s headsnapped up as Jenna called her name. “What?”

“I said we’re about to start. You okay?”

Tags: J. Kenner Man of the Month Romance