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Gently, she cupped his face, and though he couldn’t feel the sensation of her hand against his raw, damaged cheek, he could feel the brush of her thumb along the unburned part of his jaw, and that sweet, subtle sensation shot straight to his cock.

“Careful,” he said. “I don’t think you have time for more than one kiss.”

She flashed a flirty smile. “I didn’t realize my touch was so arousing.”

“Everything about you turns me on,” he said. “How could you not know that?”

“I should,” she said, brushing her lips over his, just a quick tease of a promise to come. “After all, I feel exactly the same way.” Truth shone in her eyes, and his heart melted a little more.

Gently, she pulled out of his embrace. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I have to go. I have a fitting in less than an hour.”

“And after that?”

Her delighted laugh filled the room. “Hair and make-up here, and then downstairs to the conference rooms for a series of press interviews. Then back up here to put on my dress. Then it’s off to the theater. How about you?”

She’d said it with no bitterness, no question, no underlying hint of disappointment. Even so, he couldn’t help but feel as if she was disappointed.

Then again, he was certain that was true. But she was damn good at hiding it.

“You’re sure you’re good?”

“You forget I used to live out here.”

“Right. So you’re going to see your sister? Friends? The hotel has an amazing restaurant and bar.”

He took her hand. “Seriously, don’t worry about me. I already texted Kelsey about getting together, and I promise I’ll be here when you get back.”

She nodded. “I’m skipping the after-party. We’ll have our own.”

“I’d like that. But this is your work. Do what you need to do. What you want to do. Enjoy the night, okay. I promise I’m not going anywhere.”

Her shoulders dipped as she exhaled, and her words, so heartfelt, almost knocked him over. “Thank God for that.”

Her cell phone chimed in time with her words, and she grimaced as she looked down. “Studio publicist. She’s got a car downstairs to take me to my fitting.” She leaned in to kiss his cheek. “Back soon.”

As soon as she’d left, he kicked back to enjoy the room, putting an action movie on the large screen TV, opening a beer from the suite’s refrigerator, and settling in to wait for his sister who, in true Kelsey fashion, showed up right in the middle of the final chase scene.

“No talking. No hugs. No catching up. Not until this sequence is over.”

She rolled her eyes, but settled in, tucking her legs under her on the couch, and focusing on the film. But the second it was over, she squealed and threw her arms around him. “I’ve missed you so much. I’m so glad you called this week. Next week we’re traveling again.”

“You guys need to slow down.”

“Nah, we’re loving it. We’re seeing the world, enjoying each other.” From the expression on her face, their enjoyment hadn’t slowed down at all. “It’s great to be able to travel and work together, and Wyatt’s new show is amazing. It’s like we work during the day, then honeymoon at night.”

“Nice.” Honestly, he was a little bit jealous. Or, correction, a little bit more. He’d been happy for Kelsey from the moment she and Wyatt got together—well, concerned, then happy. After all, he knew their backstory better than anyone. But it soon became clear that between the two of them it was the real thing. And while he’d been genuinely thrilled for his sister, he’d also felt the sting of envy. Of wishing that it was him who was falling in love and finding that perfect someone.

Now, he’d found her—but while Kelsey and Wyatt were all in, he and Beverly had limits. His limits.

“What?” she demanded, because there’d never been a time in his life that Kelsey didn’t read him perfectly.

“Honestly? I was just thinking about Beverly.”

She adjusted her legs under her as she turned on the couch to face him more directly. “It’s serious?”

“It’s heading toward serious. I think we both want serious.”


Tags: J. Kenner Man of the Month Romance