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And she couldn't remember ever mixing so many orgasms with so much laughter and heat. Because Matthew could go from making her giggle to making her fall completely, gloriously apart with more skill and humor than anybody she'd ever been with. He owned her completely, and she happily surrendered.

On Wednesday, she and Easton both cut out of work early to go meet Selma and Matthew at a small baseball field behind one of the schools in South Austin. "It's the final game in a tournament among foster kids," Matthew had explained. "Selma and I are both involved in an organization that sets up various activities for the kids and their foster families."

She hadn't realized that Matthew actually coached one of the teams, though considering how involved in fitness he was, she probably should have guessed. She ended up in the stands with Selma, cheering the team on.

"This is a great cause you guys are involved in," she told Selma as Matthew's team took the field.

"Well, it's important to us. We were in the system, so..." She shrugged, then narrowed her eyes. "You and my brother seem to be getting along."

"We are," Hannah said, but the words sounded flat and not nearly honest enough. She turned sideways to face Selma straight on, then leaned forward. "Actually, no. It's not just getting along."

Selma held her eyes, her expression unreadable.

Hannah drew a breath. In for a penny...

"The truth is," she said, "I've completely fallen for your brother."

For a moment, Selma only stared. Then a slow, easy grin spread across her face. "That's great news," she said. "Because he's head over heels for you, too."

Chapter Twelve

Hannah hid a yawn behind her hand, then reached for the pitcher of Pinot Punch.

"Are we boring you?" Megan asked with a grin. They were at The Fix, waiting for the Man of the Month Contest to begin. Hannah and Megan were sharing one of the round tables with Selma, Easton, and Shelby, although Megan would be leaving soon to go do whatever it was she did during the actual contest.

Right now, she'd come over to tell Hannah that Matthew was in the back staging area and had wanted to send her a message. He'd sent her a scrawled note that said Only you, and it was now safely tucked in her back pocket. She figured she could use it to beat off any other women who might try to claim Matthew after he won.

Because, of course he was going to win. And that really wasn't just personal loyalty speaking.

"She's had a long day," Selma said, referring to Hannah's yawn. "We spent the afternoon in the sun at a softball game, and before that I'm pretty sure they wore each other out having wild sex. But I could be wrong."

Megan's face went beet red with suppressed laughter, and Easton patted Selma's hand. "That's my girl," he said. "No filter whatsoever."

Selma shrugged, completely unfazed. "Just telling it like it is."

And since she happened to be exactly right, Hannah didn't even try to deny it.

"Are you guys staying after for the premiere of The Business Plan?" Megan asked, probably trying to change the subject.

"That's the reality show about the contest and the bar, right?" Selma asked.

Megan nodded. "Brooke and Spencer finished the renovations a few weeks ago, but they're still shooting the contest through to the end. But the first episode airs tonight and then it'll run weekly up to the end of the contest and a little beyond."

"I would love to see that," Hannah said sincerely. "But we're meeting with my parents after the contest. They're in town for some charity thing, and that's the only time they have to see us." It made her nervous waiting so late to get the check, but so long as she had it safe in her hands by tomorrow, all would be well.

"Too bad," Megan said. "By the way, how's your dad?" she asked Selma.

Hannah knew she was referring to Mr. Herrington, who Matthew had told her had suffered a heart attack while traveling.

"Doing incredibly well. They're taking a cruise back with lots of ports of call, and they've actually added time to it. He went to see a specialist in Prague and everything looks great."

Matthew had told her the same thing, and while Hannah was thrilled his father was fine, she wished his parents would return sooner, as she would love to meet both of them.

"That's terrific," Megan said. She was about to say something else, but the music started and Beverly Martin, an indie film star who was making a splash, took the stage to emcee the show. "Oops," Megan said. "Gotta run."

"Pretty cool watching this with Mr. September," Hannah teased Easton. "I wonder who would have won if you were up against my guy."

"It would have been a tie," Selma said, being loyal to both brother and boyfriend.

Tags: J. Kenner Man of the Month Romance