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He could barely see her from this angle. Just a few flashes of her midnight black hair, so sleek it seemed to reflect a blue hue under the vibrant stage lights. It was almost two, and the place had mostly cleared out, calm enough now that he could hear Mina laughing with Jenna, talking about how if they'd wanted drama in their first episode, they couldn't have planned it any better.

Cam had no idea what the whole thing had been about. All he knew was that Spencer had tossed aside the Mr. February T-shirt then leaped off the stage and landed a solid punch in some Robert Redford look-alike's face.

Everyone in The Fix had been shocked

, but from the guy's expression, he'd probably had it coming.

Other than that, the only thing Cam knew was that Spencer had done it for a woman. That much he could tell from the look of adoration mixed with the shock in Brooke's eyes.

Cam sighed, wanting to see that expression on Mina. More accurately, wanting to see it when she looked at him. And only at him.

Tonight, he'd gotten the reaction he'd intended from her and the whole bar, but raucous laughter wasn't what he craved.

"You've got it bad, buddy," Matthew said, and Cam turned sharply to look at the gym owner.

"What? No. I'm just zoning out. Staring into space."

"Tell me another one."

Cam scowled.

"Better yet, tell it to the girl." Matthew lifted his bottle in a salute, then took a long swallow.

"That what you'd do?"

"Hell to the yes," Matthew said.


Matthew leaned back. He had an angular face and eyes full of humor. Right now, those eyes were dancing with mirth. "Damned if I know, kid. But if you want her, you need to figure it out." He took another swallow. "Do you want her?"

Cameron looked out over the crowd, his eyes immediately finding Mina. "Hell to the yes," he whispered.

Now he just had to figure out how to get her.

A note from JK:

I hope you enjoyed Hold On Tight! Don't miss Cameron and Mina's story, Need You Now, book 2 in the Man of the Month series! Keep reading for a sneak peek!

And if you want your very own Man of the Month calendar, you can grab it now! (While supplies last!)

Guess what? I have even more exciting things coming in 2018, including more Nikki & Damien Stark! Keep reading for details!

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The Men of Man of the Month!

Are you eager to learn which Man of the Month book features which sexy hero?

Here's a handy list!

Down On Me - meet Reece Hold On Tight - meet Spencer Need You Now - meet Cameron Start Me Up - meet Nolan Get It On - meet Tyree In Your Eyes - meet Parker Turn Me On - meet Derek Shake It Up - meet Landon All Night Long - meet Easton In Too Deep - meet Matthew Light My Fire - meet Griffin Walk The Line - meet Brent

and don't miss Bar Bites: A Man of the Month Cookbook that includes a short story featuring Eric, slices of life, and bonus scenes for all the men!

Want your own Man of the Month calendar? Grab it now! (While supplies last!)

Tags: J. Kenner Man of the Month Romance