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"This is amazing news," she said, clutching his hand. "And even if he doesn't make it this time, he's in the rotation, right? So he'll come up again with another chance. They don't always grant the first time."

"I know. I need to call his attorney. I'll do that in the morning. Find out all I can."

"In the meantime, we'll send Richie all our good thoughts."

"Hell, yes." He looked into her eyes, his filled with love and hope and vulnerability. "And in the meantime, I'm also taking a kiss for good luck."

"You don't have to take it," she began. "I'll give--"

But she didn't finish. His mouth closed over hers, gentle at first, but then hard and demanding, as if he could foist his will on the parole board through her. His fingers twined in her hair, tilting her head back, and his other hand went around her waist, pulling her to him so that she felt his erection straining against his jeans.

Her knees were weak, her body tingling, and she clung to him, as desperate for him as he was for her.

A low wolf whistle brought her back to her senses, and she leaped back, banging her elbow against the wall.

Reece chuckled. "You might want to think about getting a room. Before Casper decides to turn on his camera."

Spencer caught her eye and grinned. "You into exhibitionism?"

"Really not."

He shot a quick salute to Reece, who was laughing his ass off. "I think that's our cue to leave. Catch you in the morning. I'm taking this party home."

Chapter Seventeen

Spencer drove Brooke's car, and as far as he was concerned, it was the longest ride anywhere. He'd made the journey with his hand on her bare thigh, thanking God and the universe that she'd worn a simple cotton skirt tonight, and not the jeans she wore when they were knee-deep in lumber and paint.

He'd tried once during the drive to ease his hand even higher up that firm thigh. To move slowly, inch by delicious inch, until he reached the band of her panties. And then he'd fully intended to slip his finger under the smooth satin and stroke her waxed pussy until she pressed her hands hard against the roof of the car, arched her body up, and cried his name while surrendering to one hell of a massive orgasm.

As far as he was concerned, that was an A-one fantasy. But a fantasy it had remained, because at the first sign that he was inching his fingers toward heaven, Brooke had smacked her own hand on top of his, stalling his progress.

"If you think that I'm going to risk death on these city streets just so you can cop a feel, you are very sadly mistaken."

It wasn't the most romantic sentiment, but he took her point. And he'd contented himself with simply caressing her thigh and telling her in very specific detail how he intended to fuck her so hard when they got home that she was going to scream for mercy.

To his satisfaction, she'd closed her eyes and surrendered to his comparatively tame touch. And as for the effect of his words ... well, from the way she bit her lower lip and the prominence of her nipples against her cotton blouse, he was certain he'd hit the mark.

Now, he turned into her driveway and killed the engine. Finally, they'd arrived.

He glanced sideways at her. "You know you're a cruel woman."

She didn't open her eyes, but the corners of her mouth lifted in a smile. "Maybe it wasn't really about car safety. Maybe I just like tormenting you."

"Oh, no. We both know who was tormenting who."

She turned her head and peered at him through narrowed eyes. "Is that so?"

"You're wet, Angel. Don't even try to deny it."

"You think?"

"I'm certain of it."

Her eyes danced with mirth. "I guess there's only one way for you to find out if you're right." She lifted his hand off her thigh, then drew his forefinger into her mouth, laving it with her tongue. "Why don't you check and see?"

His cock twitched in response to her teasing tone as much as to the sensual invitation that he eagerly accepted. Moving slowly, he did in the driveway what he'd been thinking about ever since they left the bar. He eased his hand up her skirt to her panty line, then slipped his finger under the soft material.

He heard her gasp as he stroked her, her sex smooth and so damn slick with desire t

Tags: J. Kenner Man of the Month Romance