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But now she knew about both.

And she knew love hurt.

* * *

‘Do you have to go away, Daddy?’

Raz turned at the sound of his daughter’s voice and saw her standing watching him, her expression forlorn. Layla hurried towards her, trying to distract the little girl with the promise of a swim.

Raz noticed she didn’t look at him.

It had been two weeks since the party in Zubran, and since their return Layla had been withdrawn and quiet. So quiet he was becoming increasingly concerned.

He made a mental note to talk to her about it immediately on his return.

‘I have to go, but it’s only for one night.’ He scooped Zahra into his arms. ‘When I come back we will ride together, I promise.’

As if realising that she should say something, Layla roused herself. ‘Where are you going?’

‘I have another meeting with the Tazkhan Council—this time to discuss arrangements for formalising my position.’

‘So will we be moving to the city?’

It was Zahra who asked the question, but he wondered if that was what was bothering Layla.

‘We will live there for some of the time, but not all.’ He watched Layla’s face but her expression didn’t change.

As his security guards made the final preparations around him he drew Layla to one side. ‘You are very quiet. Is something worrying you?’

‘Nothing. I hope your meeting goes well.’

She was detached and formal and he knew this wasn’t the right time to push her. Not with his daughter watching and his security team hovering in the background.

‘I will be back tomorrow.’ He lifted his hand to her face, intending to kiss her, and then let his hand drop, shocked by the impulse. They were in public, their exchange witnessed by a dozen other people.

Before he could say anything she stepped back. ‘Safe trip.’


LAYLA LAY AWAKE in the bed, sleep chased away by the ache in her chest.

Maybe a heart could break.

She’d read about people who lost partners only to die themselves.

Maybe such a thing was possible. Just one more thing she’d been wrong about.

It was almost a relief that Raz was away for a night because she didn’t know how to be with him any more. She didn’t know how not to show him that she loved him, and she didn’t know how to stop herself falling harder and deeper.

Unable to sleep, she decided to read for a while and pressed the switch for the light by the bed. Nothing happened. Assuming the bulb had blown, she leaned across and tried the other one. When that didn’t work either she pulled on a robe, slid on her shoes and walked out of her bedroom and onto the terrace. Stars twinkled in the sky and everything was quiet.

Too quiet.

Lights should have been burning in the house and outside on the terrace, but everything was in darkness and the fountain was silent. There was no sound of running water, no sounds at all.

It was eerily quiet.

Layla wondered if there had been a power cut and was about to go back to her room and find a torch when she realised that there were no security guards outside Zahra’s room.

Her heart stopped and she ceased to breathe for a few seconds.

No lights. No guards.

Grateful that there was enough moonlight for her to see the way, she walked quickly to Zahra’s bedroom, adjacent to hers. There was sufficient light for her to see Isis and Horus curled up on the bed next to the little girl, and for once she was relieved to see them.

Her heart was pounding hard and her hands were clammy, and she stood for a moment, trying to rationalize the situation. The most likely explanation was a blown fuse or some other electrical fault.

Was she overreacting?

Possibly, but all she could hear in her head were Raz’s words.

Show me the evidence that my daughter would have been safe.

She didn’t have evidence, and she knew better than to underestimate Hassan at any time—least of all now, when he was likely to be at his most desperate.

What if he had somehow discovered that Raz had a daughter?

What if he decided to use that fact?

No matter that she might be overreacting. She couldn’t risk letting Raz lose someone else he loved.

‘Zahra...’ Keeping her voice soft, she reached out a hand towards the sleeping child.

Isis opened one eye and looked at her.

Keeping as far away from the dogs as possible, Layla gave Zahra a gentle shake. ‘Wake up. We’re going on an adventure.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance