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"Good looking boys. " He turned to face her and frowned. "Aren't you hungry? "

"Yes, I am. "

"Well, get changed then and let's go. " He turned back to inspect her things again.

"What do you mean? I'm ready to go. " Did he think she was too wrinkled?

Richard swung back to face her with a scowl. "You don't want to go to a restaurant in that outfit, do you? " She watched him rake his hand through his hair and wait.

"Why not? I think it all goes together pretty well. I like it. " She turned and grabbed her bag and keys.

"You want me to calmly sit across from you in the restaurant in that outfit and try to have a civil conversation? " He reached out and adjusted her cami to cover her cleavage a little bit. "Jesus Christ, I'll have to fight off every guy in the place. "

She laughed. "You're being silly. Sweet, but silly. " He pulled her into his arms and smiled.

"Silly? You're accusing me of being silly? I get what this is. You're feeling a little cocky and smug because you think I'm old and I've been satisfied. "

She gave him a radiant smile. Richard felt like he'd been sucker-punched. She was so beautiful.

"Well, yeah. " She couldn't believe this playful exchange. This was a side of him she hadn't seen. She liked it.

He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a spontaneous hug. "Don't get too cocky, babe. I promise I can get it up again. "

Jenny sat quietly in the passenger seat of his big car. They were driving down the interstate at a fast clip. She looked out the window at the Mississippi river. It was always so pretty this time of year. She relaxed in her seat. Her big, comfortable seat. Her big, comfortable, leather seat. Anxiety pierced her. Surely he wasn't really a mobster. Did mobsters really exist anymore? There was just something about him. Although impec

cably dressed, and good-looking, there was an elusive quality that she couldn't identify. He was so big, and scarred, and he had a 'Don't fuck with me' attitude.

He reached over the console and took her hand in his. He looked at her with hot eyes. Tingles went down her spine. He looked back to the road and spoke. "What does a hot little mom like you do for a living, Angel? Nice house and two kids away at school? College is expensive. " He intertwined their fingers. His touches had been constant. It felt like he was staking his claim. The idea was sinfully, distressingly enticing.

She looked away from his hand enclosing hers, and tried to concentrate on his question.

"I'm a bookkeeper. " She named the large insurance company she worked for. "I only have to go into the office about fifteen hours a week. The rest, I can do from home. I like it and it was really convenient when the boys were growing up. "

"Paying for a house and college can't be easy. Does the dumb-ass help? " He looked her way.

"Dumb-ass? "

"He must have been a dumb-ass to let you slip through his fingers. " His grip tightened and Jenny felt like a warm, quivering mass of jelly.

"He hasn't helped at all since the boys turned eighteen. I got the house and the mortgage in the divorce. Thank God the twins are smart. They're both at University of Houston. I haven't had to pay for any college. Have you ever heard of National Merit? "

He turned and looked at her again.

"Yeah, I have. So, you're brilliant as well as beautiful? " His thumb was making stroking circles on her hand. Jenny was finding it hard to concentrate.

"No, not me. Why do you say that? "

"Well, babe, I thought everybody knew that kids inherit their intelligence from their mamas. "

Jenny's heart was still beating too fast as she looked at the menu. Damn, he was hard enough to resist when he was stalking her, but now he had to start being charming, also? Jenny watched his interchange with the waiter. She couldn't believe how smooth he was, so at ease with himself and everything around him. He didn't try to impress her, and that impressed her the most. He was so utterly confident. After they had been shown to their table, she took a seat in the booth. He paused for a moment just looking down at her and holding her hand. He finally let go of her and walked around to sit facing her. "I think it would be best if I sat here, don't you think? You look good enough to eat. " He paused. "I want to save that for later. "

Her pulse rate hadn't come down since.

At her confirmation, he ordered a bottle of white wine. They were at a seafood house on Baton Rouge's riverfront, so they both ordered seafood. The waiter left them alone. "I like this place. Have you been here before? " His voice was steady as he watched her looking around.

"No, I haven't. But it seems nice. " She looked at the expensive furnishings and the upper-class clientele. Her voice was soft. " Maybe I should have changed. "

He saw her discomfort intensify as she absorbed her surroundings. He felt something go through his system that he hadn't felt in a long time. The need to protect. To comfort. To make everything right for her.

Tags: Lynda Chance Louisiana Liaisons Erotic