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I waited for his breathing to even out before moving his hand from across my middle. I watched his face as his hand touched the pillow and when he just sighed and burrowed in I knew he was out.

I hid in the dark closet and got dressed after grabbing my kill uniform as mob boy likes to call it out of its hiding place. I headed back to my office for my trusty bow and disarmed the alarm before resetting it again.

The twins and their team were out in the guesthouse but I still had to be careful when I snuck the car down the driveway. I actually pushed it without turning on the lights until I was well down the driveway before opening the gate and idling out.

I started to put the address I’d gotten off the computer into my GPS but then thought better of it. No sense in being stupid. There was no way for the law to trace anything back to me, but there was no sense in making it easy for them if they tried.

I’ve heard the whispers about me over the years. Everyone trying to figure out who I was, some even getting close, but those were mostly members of our inner circle. No one has been able to figure it out though, except those who knew me. It took almost forty-five minutes of me driving just above the speed limit and I only did that because the last thing I needed was to get pulled over.

I pulled up to the address and drove by slowly. The place was in total darkness but I made another turn and came back around when I reached the end of the street. I parked in the little park at the end of the street well hidden behind some brush and ran back, keeping to the shadows though I was sure no one would see me if they happened to look out their window.

I made my first circuit around the house looking for any kind of alarm system he might have on the outside of the house. I used Shane’s little gadget that showed me how many people were inside using heat impressions.

There was definitely one person upstairs in a bedroom, but the device was picking up heat signals from elsewhere in the house. From the interference I was sure that whoever or whatever it was had been hidden behind something that was meant to keep others from looking in, maybe the same reinforced steel as the outside door, which I’d only now noticed.

I found the grid outside the house and took my time cutting the electricity from outside, that’s the easiest way to kill juice to the alarm since I didn’t have time to tinker with it. I went back to the little window I’d noticed on my circuit around the house and worked on opening it without making a sound.

I squeezed through the tiny window that no one would expect a grown woman to fit through with my bow on my back and hand walked my way down the wall until I jumped lightly onto my feet. I stayed low as I looked around the room before going back to my gadget. I used it to lead me to him and was in his bedroom standing at the foot of his bed before he was even aware that I was there.

“Who…?” I turned on my high beam penlight blinding him and switched it back off just as fast. “Where is she? Where is the girl you took?”

“What, I don’t…”

“You get one chance.” He looked around for an escape.

“How did you get in here, who are you?” Wrong questions to ask for someone who’s innocent.

I wasn’t intending on going on anyone else’s suspicions when I came here, but seeing those other warm bodies, hidden away as they were was more than enough to convince me that the kids were on the right track.

I didn’t feel anyone else in the room with me but him, so they weren’t here. Too bad Shane’s little toy doesn’t see through everything, but it was enough to let me know that there were warm bodies somewhere else in the house.

“Get up!” I didn’t have time to play around with him I have to get back long before the sun comes up if I don’t want my husband to catch me. This fool got up from the bed and rushed me. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to find what I was looking for on my own.

He hadn’t noticed my bow in the dark, not until I raised it when he was two feet away from me and pulled the trigger. The force shot him back across the room and pinned him to the wall. I walked over and stood under him. He’d been lifted off his feet about six feet in the air.

Tags: Jordan Silver Lyon The Next Generation Erotic