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I pulled into the parking lot and looked at my watch, another fifteen minutes should do it. I walked in and took a seat at the mahogany bar smiling invitingly at the bartender with whom I’m very well acquainted. He’s just one of many conquests I’ve had since moving here with my husband who I’d met by chance of course, on a cruise for the extremely wealthy.

Okay it wasn’t so much chance as by design but I didn’t go looking specifically for Cedric, he just happened to be the simp that took the bait when I sent out my lure. It was just a few months after my aunt and uncle died and I’d put their money to good use. My uncle always said you’re only wealthy when your money works for you and not the other way around. A sentiment I hold near and dear to my heart.

Anyhow, Jarvis the bartender gave me one of those looks like he thought there was a chance that he might get lucky, which might be a possibility. It’s been a while since I got laid, not since I set my cap for Gage in fact. I’ve been so focused on reeling him in that I haven’t had time for anything or anyone else.

It’s taking much longer than I anticipated to get my way, something I hadn’t bargained for. I thought for sure he would’ve been in my bed by now, but he’s the first man since the new me evolved to turn me down. Again I’m sure it’s just because of her, the needy bitch.

I saw her coming from the back where the locker rooms were as I finished my first martini and put on my most becoming smile. The one I save for females since they all seem threatened by my very presence. I didn’t miss the way she missed a step when she saw me sitting there and my smile went up a couple watts.

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Oh no, what’s she doing here? I checked my first reaction to turn and head back the way I came as my feet faltered. The smile she wore was very frightening since it looked more predatory than welcoming. But I’d promised Gage so I ignored the upset feeling in my stomach and put one foot in front of the other.

We’re not friends, we’re not friends…just a quick hello and keep going. I repeated that mantra to myself, as I got closer even though the pain in my stomach had now become bile in my throat. I plastered a smile just as fake as her own on my face, “hello,” I didn’t stop but kept moving towards the dining room where the others should be waiting for me.

I knew from the way the smile slid off her face that she wasn’t too pleased with my reaction. Until yesterday our run-ins usually ended with her latching onto me and inviting herself along whether I wanted her to or not.

And until yesterday when Gage reassured me once again and told me what he wanted to do, I wouldn’t have had the nerve to do what I was about to do. But even as I felt like I was going to pass out from my daring, I kept putting one foot in front of the other as I walked away.

In the past my upbringing wouldn’t have allowed me to do such a thing, it’s rude for one, and I would’ve been mortified to think that I might be hurting her feelings, so no matter how uncomfortable her presence made me I would’ve swallowed it all and endured.

But knowing for certain that my husband has no interest in her, had even postponed his very important business meetings the day before to come to my rescue, not to mention that afore mentioned talk we had, I now felt more confident that she would not win.

I was almost to the door leading into the dining room, had almost made a clean escape when she called out. “Hey!” I turned my head ever so slightly and spoke before she could say anything more even as she opened her mouth to speak. “I’m sorry I’m in a hurry, my friends are waiting for me. No time to talk.”

That saccharine smile returned to her face once again and I turned and hurried away this time before she could be crass enough to invite herself once again. A part of the old me reared its head and I had a moment’s doubt. What if she was just lonely and needing friends after her husband’s death?

What if I’d been reading the whole situation wrong and she wasn’t even interested in Gage but was just lacking social skills? I know from my college days that there are some women who only know one way to act in the presence of men. They flirt and bat their lashes at every man within ten feet, but they’re usually harmless and don’t mean anything by it.

Tags: Jordan Silver Men of Honor Romance