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Of course her answer was me, and I let her know that I loved her body just the way it is and she shouldn’t let jealous people undermine her. Of course she couldn’t see why Donna would be jealous of her. That’s because the black widow had convinced her and everyone else that she was the bee’s-knees.

As far as I’m concerned her overblown bleach blonde ass is a dime a dozen. Whereas my baby is a rare diamond that only comes around once a millennium. I’ve worked hard to get her out of her shell and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let that twit unravel all of my hard work.

“Baby what are you doing today?” I usually get a rundown of her day before I head out the door. She stays home because that’s what I prefer. I’m not old fashioned or anything, I just like taking care of my woman. That’s a fucking lie; I’m traditional as fuck.

If we needed the money I could see her going off to work. But I make more than enough so she doesn’t have to. Besides, no one else is going to raise my kids when they come along so it’s good that she gets used to being a housewife. That shit’s not as easy as some make it out to be, especially when dealing with someone like me.

“I’m meeting the girls for lunch, other than that I don’t really have anything planned. Did you need me to do something honey?” She cleared the dishes while I enjoyed a cup of coffee. I like to linger in the mornings because I hate leaving her.

“No baby, just have fun. You got cash?”

“Uh-huh, I went to the ATM yesterday after tennis.” See? She tells me everything, but the trick is, I listen. I know some men tune their woman out, not me. How else am I going to know what’s going on with my baby?

“Okay sweetheart, I have to go now okay. You’ll call me if you need me?” That could mean anything from someone cut her off while driving and it scared her, or there’s a spider in the house somewhere. Again, some might grow tired of that shit, my micromanaging ass lives for it.

She nodded her head and lifted her mouth for a kiss at the door where she walked me with my briefcase in hand. I checked her tank to make sure she had enough gas before hopping into my ride and heading down the driveway.

I do pretty much everything for my woman. I make sure her oil is changed, her tank is full and her tires have enough air. If she wants to do something other than her regular routine of lunch with the girls and tennis down at the club three days a week, I make sure everything is in order.

She won’t ask, so I have to oversee these things myself, not to mention it fits in nicely with my need to control shit. Like I said, I don’t give a fuck who likes my ways.

She had one friend that made the mistake of letting me overhear her telling my wife how she shouldn’t let me have so much control in our marriage. Needless to say that bitch haven’t been seen in a while. No I didn’t kill her, what the fuck do you take me for?

But I did make it difficult for her to show her face in public again. People, who live in glass houses and got their own shit to deal with, shouldn’t throw stones. And they damn sure shouldn’t throw them at my mansion where I live in peace with my wife, where I have things just the way I like them.

Maybe if her husband the ass had a little more control on the home front she wouldn’t have been fucking every swinging dick in a ten- mile radius. People like that like to fuck up a good thing. Because their shit is twisted all to fuck they like to stick their noses in other people’s shit so they can be as miserable as they are. Not my shit!

It was a nice sunny day out, the beginning of summer was right on our heels and my mind turned to this year’s vacation. It’s been a while since we’ve been anywhere other than the lake house on the weekend because I’ve been so busy, but I’m gonna make sure and make the time as soon as the weather changes. I have the urge to spoil my girl, so maybe a trip down the Mediterranean on the yacht.


* * *

My phone rang just as I pulled into my designated bay in the underground garage at my high-rise office building. “Hello!”

“She’s up to something. She’s been on the phone with that Lisa person all morning and I just now heard her invite herself to lunch, is Holly having lunch with the girls today?”

Tags: Jordan Silver Men of Honor Romance