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Saieke frowned. “We already know this. Father has—”

“His convoy was spotted east of the Mist Mountains. He will arrive with the dawn.”

Her stomach cramped. “How many?”

“More than two hundred warriors and advisors.”

For precious seconds, Saieke could not speak. “Meet me on the parapet of the west wing within the hour,” she ordered. “Summon Kamu.”

Thyon flashed away.

She spun to Rai, grief settling heavily in her stomach. The Nurian king’s unexpected arrival could only mean one thing. “Rai I—”

“Do not tell me. I cannot reveal information I do not have. Do what you must.”

Saieke tugged her close, and they hugged fiercely. Saieke flashed through the castle with speed searching for her parents. Within seconds, she located her mother in the Queen’s chambers.

“Is it true?” she asked, hating the fear swirling in her veins.

“Darling,” Queen Izumi greeted with a strained smile, patting the chaise beside her. Her mother referred to as the jewel of Boreas. She was petite, with a mane of waist length silver hair and eyes of startling green, which now glowed with apprehension.

Saieke sat. “The wind whispered of King Ajali’s imminent arrival.”

“You knew he would come.”

She gripped her mother’s hands. “In twelve weeks. Not with the dawn.”

A guilty flush travelled up her mother’s cheek. “Your father did not reveal the true date of his arrival, not wishing to cause you undue discomfort. The masquerade ball in three days time is being held in King Ajali’s honor.”

She froze. How could they?

“Meishan,” her mother said softly.

Anger surged through her veins. “I am not your heart!”

Her mother’s lips flattened. “You cannot think to break a pledge that your father has made.”

Saieke remained silent, her mind shifting through her options with icy clarity.

“Reports from your attendants says that you visited the ancient archives in hopes—”

“Father has people spying on me?”

Her mother’s face softened. “Not spying, Meishan…after your argument, he was concerned.”


” Saieke demanded. “He sold me to the tyrant king.”

“We need an allegiance. There are many things you are not privy to about the danger and politics that surround this court and the other kingdoms. Your father had to make terrible choices.”

“Then tell me,” she pleaded. “I am schooled in court life. Let me be a part of—”

“There is no need to trouble yourself with the intrigues of court. When it is time for you to inherit, your father and I will impart all you would need to be queen.”

She wondered if her mother was so wonderfully naïve. “If this blood oath is formalized mother, I will never be queen. King Ajali will be the ruler of our realm, and his law will be absolute. He may very well murder me after I have sired his heir to brook no opposition.”

Her mother flinched. “I am sure King Ajali will treasure you. He pursued your father most ardently for your hand. In time, your union will blossom to love.”

Tags: Stacy Reid Romance