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“I have none,” he said with a touch of regret.

She chuckled, shaking her head in amused disbelief. “You rogue! Keep your mouth to yourself.”

Now it was her voice that seemed shaded with regret and longing.

He scrubbed a hand over his face. She was right. He was acting the rogue. If he wanted her, he should damn well court her. Except he wasn’t certain he wanted her beyond the raw, physical attraction he felt.

He should be treading with caution; instead he was being reckless. Scowling at his undisciplined reactions, he bowed, turned and left the library before he did something foolish like kiss her without thoughts of consequences or of tomorrow.

Chapter 7

Holliwell Manor was a majestic three-story building set in exquisite landscaped grounds. The house built to replace a less prestigious building was elegant and classical in design. Each elevation was majestic and fitting to the local scenery. The grounds were equally splendid, although the formal gardens could not be seen at their best at this time of year as few flowers blossomed. However, Callie could imagine it as a riot of colors in summer. Then the fountains, artfully placed statuary of ancient gods and goddesses, would be surrounded by leafy bowers and exotic flowers.

There were pretty walks through the woodland interspersed with several well-placed gazeboes and some accurate recreations of ruins. The house had a wonderful conservatory and several greenhouses where fruit and flowers could be grown out of season. And despite the grandness of the estate she could not seem to escape the viscount. He shadowed her every move and he did it in such an innocent manner it appeared a coincidence. But Callie knew better. He did not trust her to leave their parents alone to find each other.

A sinking sensation formed in the pit of Callie’s stomach. There really was no way to convince him she was not being mischievous. Drat! She scowled at the alarming and improper way he shadowed her for the entire morning. Surely people would start to think his behavior peculiar. Worse, she did not want to think about the way he had kissed her in the conservatory and then last night in the library.

The rogue was getting bolder and she would be a liar if she claimed to hate his attention. Something wicked had bloomed inside of her with that first kiss. And then last night. Callie had dreamed of being kissed senseless, of being ravished and held in the viscount’s wicked embrace. She closed her eyes against the memories, but they came, uncaring of her resolve to forget the viscount.

She gave her head a swift shake before her thoughts took her any farther down that scandalous and wanton memory. Everything must be about her mother and the earl finding their hearts with each other. Not the impossible attraction she felt for the man’s son. The Viscount had been playing billiards with Mr. Thomas Brampton earlier, and as soon as the young Lord Sherbrooke spied her, he had abandoned the man and the game to observe her. Shameful and outrageous! And worse, she blushed like a silly miss whenever their gazes collided.

The memory of his kisses lingered in the air once they looked at each other. She swore every time she felt his stare, and whenever she returned his regard that wicked knowledge shone from him, and she would become warm and out of sorts in so many wretched ways.

A panting Letty hurried over to her. “It is done! Mama is now by the lake, and I slipped the note beneath the earl’s door. Surely he will meet her there soon.”

“Hush,” Callie said, glancing to see how close the viscount stood.

She did not turn around, but she anticipated Viscount Sherbrooke to be right behind her.

“Why are you whispering?” Letty demanded.

“I do not wish Viscount Sherbrooke to know what we are doing.”

“Are you certain the viscount is following you?” Letty asked, her eyes laughing. “I think your imagination is running amok! I daresay he does not notice us at all.”

Interest flashed in her sister’s eyes. “I knew it! You blushed frightfully yesterday morning when you saw him. How is he aware of our antics?” her sister’s elegant brow winged upward. “Callie…are you blushing again?”

With a scowl, she grab

bed her sister’s arm and tugged her toward an unoccupied gazebo. She smiled politely at the few gentlemen and ladies strolling about. The morning was unexpectedly warm, but she sensed it would not last long, for she could see the rain clouds in the far-off distance. And her plan hinged on that rain actually appearing.

“Will you tell me what happened with the viscount, or am I left to guess?”

Looking about to ensure they had cleared all listening ears, she muttered, “He kissed me.”

Letty faltered, forcing Callie to stop.


“He kissed you…twice?”



Callie rolled her eyes. “On my shoulder.”

“Upon my word! Why would he—”

Tags: Stacy Reid Romance