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“You took it?”

Instead of answering, she asked, “Did Phoebe not inform you of the content?”

“No. Our thoughts were elsewhere. I simply thought it odd I only found the one sheet.”

Caroline stood and strolled over to him. “I saw when she left the letter for you on your desk. I read them and then removed the second page.”

“Why did you do that?”

“I wanted you to realize how much you love and need her. I hoped the first page would be enough to make you rush after her like a madman.”

She dipped her hand in the deep pocket of her skirt and withdrew the second sheet. Tipping on her toes, she kissed his cheek and without another word turned and left the library.

Hugh glanced down at the folded sheet. Nothing would have prevented him from going after Phoebe. He unfolded the paper. Christ. He recalled the fear he had felt when he’d read that last line on the first page.

I am taking Franny and leaving—

And then nothing. He swallowed and read what had been missing.

—for England, Derbyshire to be precise, to spend some time with my brother and introduce Franny to her family. I need to question Evie on what she did exactly to win Richard over. I am hoping to use that knowledge on your stubborn heart. I also feel overwhelmed with the need to box your ears silly. I will return in a few weeks, and it is only fair to warn you I will come prepared to fight a battle for your heart.

A piercing love filled his heart, and Hugh smiled. The light flickered, and he turned up the wick on the lamp, sat on the edge of his desk, and continued reading.

I am not giving up. To forget about love means I never believed in it in the first place; it means I did not believe in you…in us. And I do believe. So, my darling, be prepared that when we return home, I will wage a war for your heart, and I will win. Because in the depth of my pain, I remembered something. The kindness of the man who married me without hesitation. The man who walked shoeless with me to the chapel. The man who made lanterns with me so I can float away my fears and doubts to the heavens. The man who rubbed my back when I hurt and held me when I could not sleep even though his shoulders must have hurt dreadfully in that one position.

I recalled the way you looked at Franny when she arrived in the world, fiercely protective and tender. I remember your promise to protect us forever. I also remember your kisses…the delightful kisses…I recalled the hunger…and I remembered the passion. I remember that we were fated to meet and love each other. And all of those is worth any price, even my pride in fighting for it.

Your daughter and I will return home soon.

Love, Phoebe.


A few months later…

Hugh slowly entered the secret garden he had built for Phoebe on the eastern section of the estate. She lay on the grass, surrounded by an explosion of flowers—lilies, gardenias, snowdrops, pansies, and daffodils in full bloom around her. The sight of her splayed atop the grass, their daughter resting on her chest, both sleeping peacefully among the flowers and birds, was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen.

Every day, he thanked God he had pulled his head from his arse to see the paradise he had been given right here on earth. He padded over and lowered himself to the grass beside his wife. Hugh shifted, slightly coming up on his elbow so he could watch his loves. Soon they would traverse to London, and while the common practice was to leave children in the countryside during the Season, Hugh and Phoebe had decided they would take Franny and her nursemaid with them on their travels. Caroline, who had only departed yesterday to England, would enjoy seeing her niece even as she prepared to be launched into the cruel limelight of England’s society. Hugh trusted that his sister would be safe and well protected under the Marchioness and Marquess of Westfall’s home as Evie slowly introduced her to the ton.

Franny stirred, and her eyes flutt

ered open. Golden eyes, a perfect replica of her mother’s, went wide with delight, and she chortled and crawled from her mother’s chest and onto his and snuggled right back into sleep. Intense love swamped him, and he turned his head on the grass to see his love watching them, a sheen of tears in her eyes.

I love you, she mouthed.

He reached out and drew her into his arms, carefully dipping to kiss the bridge of her nose. I love you; he shaped the words with his mouth. Her eyes closed, and she went back to sleep, and he silently thanked the fate that smiled upon him and blessed him with his wife and daughter.

Tags: Stacy Reid Wedded by Scandal Romance