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“I’m a member of a resistance group called the Underground. For years, we’ve been subverting the Council’s orders so that we can protect the innocent that have been caught in the cross-fire of the Council’s extreme isolationist politics. People like Liza. Like you, if you choose to leave the IED. My bar is a hub for intelligence gathering and a meeting place for our operatives.”

Sophie opened her mouth, then closed it again. Whatever she’d expected him to say, this wasn’t it. She’d heard him mention the Underground at Olaf’s and hadn’t given it any thought beyond the fact that he must be involved in smuggling. This was something else entirely. Something she was certain the Council knew nothing about.

“So…what? You want to recruit me?” Her stomach dropped, reinterpreting everything that had passed between them and not at all liking the conclusions.

“We’d be fools not to. You’d be an asset and it would give you a purpose and a support system for what you already want to do.” He stopped and covered her hand with his. “But that’s not why I want you to stay. If you wanted to wash your hands of this entirely, I’d still want you here, with me.”

He’d gone unquestioningly into danger with her. Made what could have been the ultimate sacrifice by taking on the Eye. Whatever happe

ned in the future, she wanted the chance to explore this thing between them.

“Well,” she said. “I do find myself in the position of probably being unemployed. What are the benefits?”

Mick’s lips twitched. “Danger. Intrigue. My unending loyalty.” He sobered. “And a chance to see exactly where this is going.”

Sophie leaned in with a smile. “That sounds like an excellent plan.”

“I can see you two are gonna be a lot of fun. But seriously, you need to get a room.”

Tags: Kait Nolan Mirus Paranormal