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But I left her alone and went to sleep.



I woke up the next morning in Cane’s bed.

The sun filtered through the open windows and streaked across the bed. It was early in the morning, but the summer heat was already warming the bedroom. My eyes barely opened before Cane stirred.

He lay on his back with my arm draped over his stomach. His arm rested on top of mine, like we were a couple that slept in each other’s arms every single night. He pulled his hand away and moved it through his short hair, his sleepy eyes slowly opening and adjusting to the morning light.

I wasn’t sure how we’d gotten tangled up like this.

Cane propped himself up on one arm and looked down at me, giving his eyes a moment to adjust and take in my features. His facial hair was thicker than it was last night, and he had a few marks along his chest from where I’d punctured him with my nails. He had a little chest hair right between the pecs and a gunshot wound on his left arm. I wasn’t sure if it was a gunshot wound…but I assumed that’s what it was.

He was a beautiful man. That was the first thing that popped into my head when I looked at him. He had rough eyes that were intimidating, but that somehow added to his overall charm. He was a threat, but not necessarily to everyone. He wasn’t chivalrous, but he certainly did his best to make me feel comfortable.

I looked up at him and realized I was still naked from the night before. I hadn’t put on my clothes again once we were finished. I just closed my eyes and fell asleep. In fact, I had a dreamless night. The last time that happened I was a free woman.

He studied me for another moment before his hand slipped into my hair, and he leaned down and kissed me. It was a soft kiss, a greeting to a new day. His lips brushed against mine like he was adoring them just the way a lover would.

My arms automatically locked around his neck in response, and I kissed him back, enjoying those kisses even though I wished I didn’t. The hair around his mouth brushed against my skin, giving me a light scratch that I enjoyed. He was just like the others, viewing me as a slave he wanted to screw then forget about. But my attraction caused my body to do things it shouldn’t want to do. And I couldn’t help but feel safe with this man. He hadn’t put a single chain on me since I walked into his life. I was greeted with a kiss instead of a punch. And he still gave me power over my own destiny.

He wasn’t good. But he wasn’t evil either.

His kisses migrated south down the valley between my breasts. He inched farther and farther, heading for the apex of my thighs. His coarse hair rubbed against my skin, and I was eager to feel that same friction between my thighs. No man had ever kissed me down there like that, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like it.

He gently blew on my folds before he ran his tongue over my clit. He circled it before he sucked it into his mouth, giving me the right kind of pressure without taking it too far.

My hands gripped the sheets, and I forced myself to stay quiet. I didn’t want Cane to understand how much I enjoyed our rendezvous. It made me go against everything I believed in, that I should be a free woman and not in the ownership of whichever man was the richest. I should be repulsed by this—broken by this.

His hands moved to my tits, and he gripped them aggressively as he continued to swirl his tongue around my clit. His eyes moved to mine, and the abundant confidence made him sexier than he already was. He knew how to please a woman, and he didn’t hide his enormous ego. He wasn’t going to stop until I writhed on the bed and came with a howl.

I gripped the sheets tighter then ran my hands through my hair. My back arched on its own as I tried to fight the explosion about to hit me right in my core. But it was getting more difficult by the second. I was on the threshold, and the more I fought it, the more I made it build up.

My fingers locked around his strong wrists, feeling the corded veins and the chiseled muscle of his forearms. I could feel each individual muscle move as he massaged my tits in his hands. When he sucked on my clit harder, I couldn’t hold myself back any longer. I howled like an animal, my screams echoing in his large bedroom. One of the windows was open, but thankfully, there were no nearby neighbors who could hear my screams.

Tags: Penelope Sky Buttons Billionaire Romance