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Lying on the floor of my hotel room in the dark, I felt dizzy from my mind spinning. I kept replaying bits and pieces of the conversations we’d had over the last month in my head.

At his house: “If you weren’t seeing someone, I’d have you up on that kitchen island showing you what I want to do to you, rather than telling you.”

I wanted him to show me in the worst way.

In the cab after too much to drink at the club, my sleepy head resting on his warm thighs and brushing against his erection as I sat up when we arrived at my building.

I wanted to feel him. Wrap my fingers around his hard-on and watch his face as I slid my hand up and down.

In his office… “Get out of that wet shirt before I help you out of it right in the middle of my office with the blinds open.”

God, I wanted him to rip my damn shirt off.

Closing my eyes, my hand slid down my body. He was right on the other side of that door. Would he hear me if I brought myself to orgasm? A part of me hoped he would. My hand skimmed over the lace of my underwear once, then a second time, lingering over the sensitive front before slipping inside. My clit was already swollen just thinking about Chase. It was definitely not going to take long. Two fingers gently circled, massaging. Imagining it was Chase’s hand instead of my own, I quickly increased pressure as I found my rhythm.

Images swept through my head.

Chase finally looking up at me that first night in the hallway of the restaurant. God, he is gorgeous.

Shirtless at the gym, beads of water trickling down his carved chest.

My breathing sped up.

Today outside the fitting room. The way he looked at me, his eyes stripping away anything in his way. His words—“I’m attracted to everything about you.”


Oh God.

So close. So fast.


A loud knock made me jump.


I sprang upright, my breathing erratic like I’d just sprinted a marathon.

“Reese?” Chase’s voice called. He’d knocked on the interior door between our rooms.

I cleared my throat. “Yes?”

“Can I borrow your iPhone charger? I forgot to pick one up today.”

“Ummm…sure. Give me a minute to find it.”

My hands were shaking as I turned on the light and began to rip apart my overnight bag in search of my charger. What the hell am I doing?

Finding it, I took a deep breath and steadied myself for thirty seconds before opening the door between us. I couldn’t look him in the eye.

“Here you go,” I said to his shoulder.


My voice sounded odd, even to me. The pitch was high and…I was talking way too fast in one long run-on, unpunctuated sentence. “You’re welcome you can keep it I won’t need it until the morning I was just going to go to bed anyway.”

Chase’s brow was furrowed when I glanced up. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”

He wasn’t buying it. “I don’t know.” Looking over my shoulder, he checked out my room. “What were you doing?”

“Nothing,” I responded way too fast.

“Nothing, huh?”

My face was flushed, and I could feel a sheen of perspiration on my forehead and cheeks, but damn if I wasn’t going to try to lie my way right through it.

Chase’s eyes trailed down the length of my body, and then our gazes locked.

And I knew.

He knew.

He knew.

I could actually see his pupils dilate when he realized it. After an intense stare-off, during which I thought it was entirely possible I might melt from the heat, he simply said, “Goodnight, Reese.”

I’d just begun to breathe again when he stopped the door from closing at the last second. Reaching down, he took my hand and cupped it in his. Then he slowly brought it to his face and closed his eyes. When he inhaled deeply, smelling the hand I’d just touched myself with, I wanted to die.

I wanted to die.

It was the most embarrassing, yet most erotic thing I’d ever seen in my life.

My body shook, the ache between my legs unbearable. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t say a word. I just stood there, watching him breathe my scent in and out. When he finally opened his eyes, and a groan came from his lips, I was done. So done.

I launched myself at him, throwing my arms around his neck. “I quit.”

He wrapped his arm around my waist, and with one quick hitch, he lifted me up. “It’s about damn time.”

My legs wrapped around him, and he turned, backing me into the open door between our rooms. One of his hands unraveled my tied-up hair so it fell loose, only to have Chase wrap it around his hand, closing his fist tightly around it. He gave it a good strong yank so my head bent back, and then his mouth crashed down on mine.

Tags: Vi Keeland Dirty Office Romance Billionaire Romance