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Her hips bucked. “Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod!”

“I want you to come so hard my sheets are wet. I’m going to make you come that hard, do you



He slid another slicked finger into her ass and began to fuck her harder with his hand. He pressed

down on her G-spot. “Now, Evelyn. Come for me now. Scream my name.”

“Lucian!” Her cry sunk into the mattress. Her body convulsed as her sex contracted in rapid pulses over his fingers and her snug little asshole tightened. She gushed over his fingertips and he withdrew

both hands.

Flipping her on her back, he wrenched her trembling legs apart and licked up every drop of her

release. Sweet ambrosia coated his tongue. Nothing had ever tasted so good, so right, as his Evelyn.

He loved making her come that way. He still remembered how sensitive she was the first time she

realized a woman could come that way. She flinched and jerked under his gentle laving, her body

overstimulated and vulnerable to the most delicate caress. Once he had licked her pussy clean, he sat

up and extended the hand that had been in her sex.

“Open.” Her lips parted and he pressed his fingers into her mouth, slowly fucking them over her

tongue. “Suck them clean. See how good you taste.”

She shut her eyes and moaned. His fingers withdrew with a pop. “Good girl. Now turn over. Cup

your ass and spread yourself.”

He held her arm as she slowly adjusted her position. Her face pressed into the bedding, her

shoulders catching her weight. She spread her cheeks wide and he leaned forward. She gasped as he

licked her from the tip of her sex to the tip of her spine.

“Are you ready for my cock, baby?”


He uncapped the oil and coated his length. Dribbling a generous amount over her ass, he speared it

inside her entrance with his finger. Easing up on his knees, he pulled close.

Withdrawing his fingers, the tip of his cock pressed into her tight muscle. She hissed and her back

moved with the rapid way air filled her lungs. “Take me, Evelyn. Remember how I taught you.”

She exhaled slowly and the tension in her body eased. He pressed in, stretching her, careful not to

go too fast or hurt her. A long sigh escaped both of them as he seated himself to the hilt. Blanketing

her, he leaned forward and kissed her nape. “Beautiful. You can relax your arms.”

Her fingers released her cheeks, the soft weight folding around the base of his cock, cushioning

him. Her arms curled under her head and he slowly pulled back, nearly exiting her completely. “Hard

and fast or long and slow, Evelyn? I’ll give you the choice.”

“Whichever pleases you most,” she panted, sounding on the brink of madness.

Jesus Christ, he nearly came. Could there have been a more perfect answer? He slammed back into

her and her head shot up. He thrust into her without relenting. He’d had her mouth, he’d had her pussy, and now he was reclaiming her ass. By the end of the week there wouldn’t be a single spot on her that

didn’t wear his mark.

Sweat burned his eyes as his hips snapped forward. She mumbled and moaned curses and prayers of


He pounded into her and his climax built so powerfully he felt it in the soft undersides of his feet.

He withdrew and yanked on his cock. Hot jets of cum shot across her back and up her shoulder.

Collapsing beside her, he cupped the back of her head and dragged her mouth to his, kissing her

with everything he had. “You are . . .” he said between kisses. “The sexiest . . . woman . . . I have ever seen in my entire life.” She smiled through dazed eyes. Her expression completely sated. “Don’t ever

change,” he whispered.

“Only if you promise the same.”


After yet another shower, the boxes were delivered. Evelyn was in the bedroom, sorting through her

old belongings, when Lucian noticed Dugan looked bothered. He walked him away from the bedroom

door and toward the front of the condo.

“What is it?”

Dugan glanced back at the bedroom and lowered his voice. “Fucking paparazzi.” Lucian relaxed.

That was nothing new. “We’ve had the cops here twice already. I don’t know what’s gotten into them.

They’re like vultures today.”

Lucian sighed. He hated the press. There was little to no peace away from his homes, which was

why he’d become quite the hermit in his adult years. “Some things never change.”

“Do you want me to pull the car around to the service entrance?”

Lucian considered it. “No. Let’s see what they want. I’ll throw them a comment about whatever

they’re after and that should satisfy them for a while.”

Dugan nodded and took his leave.

When Lucian returned to the bedroom, Evelyn was pulling on the heel of a dainty sandal. Her hair

was down and reached almost to her ass. She wore a slim little number, the color of jade, accentuating

every fine curve she had. He came up behind her and smoothed his hands over her hips.

Tags: Lydia Michaels The Surrender Trilogy Billionaire Romance