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Her voice cracked, but all the words she’d never had the strength to say suddenly came pouring out.

“Why was that not enough? You say you loved me? When did you once prove it? You were my friend

and you betrayed me and took our friendship away without asking.”

His face wavered from indignation to apologetic. He stiffened. “I can’t undo what’s been done.”

The elevator bell sounded and she knew she only had a few seconds left.

“I know. That would be too much like the gentleman you claim to be and too far from the self-

serving prick you truly are. That’s why I’ll always pick him first. He’d surrender anything if I asked it of him.”

“You think that—”

“I know that,” she snapped with absolute assuredness.


She didn’t need to turn to see that Lucian found her. She looked up at Parker and said, “Our

friendship is over. You hurt me and friendship can forgive some things, but I will never forgive you for going after him.”

When she turned, Lucian’s expression was assessing, but blanked. He’d clearly caught the last of

her words and was piecing everything together. She didn’t need to justify coming to his defense.

She walked up to Lucian and said, “I know you’re pissed. I’m sorry. I can’t help that I want to

protect you as much as you want to protect me.”

He brushed his finger over her chin and there was something inherently sad in his eyes she didn’t

like. “Lucian?”

“Sweetheart, Pearl ran away.”

Ice shifted through her veins, and she forgot all about her mission. “Wh-what?”

“Pearl. She left the rehab this morning and no one can find her.”

“That’s impossible. Where would she go? She has no money.”

“One of the nurses turned in a report that her purse was stolen. She didn’t have much in there, but

she had enough for cab fare.”

Evelyn’s world began to spin. She grasped her temples. “No, no, no, no, no.”

“We’ll find her. I have people driving around now and I put a call in to the local cab companies

with her description. I can’t turn in a missing person’s report for a few more hours still.”

Arms wrapped around her as her knees went weak. “We’ll never find her.”

“We will. I promise,” Lucian said fiercely.

“What’s going on?” Parker’s voice rang like a distant reminder of his presence. Why did she come

here? She wanted to be anywhere but here.

“It’s not your concern,” Lucian snapped, pulling her toward the elevator.

They’d have to go to the tracks. They’d have to go everywhere. Her mother was missing, and all she

could think of was the sweltering stench of bodily waste and garbage that was going to greet them in

every place they’d be forced to search.

“Goddamn her!” she suddenly hissed. “Why can’t she just be normal? Why does everything she

does have to tear me apart? I’ll never forgive her for this! She was clean!”

She’d fallen into hysterics, which delayed their quick escape. Lucian cradled her face and spoke

softly of things that should reassure her, but there was no getting Pearl back there once her mother

realized she was free to leave.

The elevator made a sound and Parker held the door. “What do you think you’re doing?” Lucian


“What do you think? I’m going to help find her mother. I know the places she goes.”

“Last time you offered your help it came with conditions. We’ll manage without you.”

“Whatever. I really don’t give a fuck what you want. I’m helping Scout.”

Lucian looked at her as she wiped her nose and eyes. He must have come to some decision, because

the next thing she knew they were exiting the building as a group and climbing in the limo. Lucian’s

Escalade was parked at the curb, forgotten.

Once inside, Lucian directed Dugan to the tracks. The ride was made in awkward silence. She

couldn’t look at Parker. Her mind continued to arrange a slideshow of the worst-case scenarios.

When they reached the tracks, she went to open the door and Lucian held her back. “No.”

“I’ll go look,” Parker said, letting himself out. The door quickly closed behind him. This was where

Parker had found his own mother’s body years ago. Would he find Pearl’s as well?

They waited for what felt like days. Parker had disappeared under the torn chain link fence and

vanished into the old abandoned mill. Her tears had dried and her skin was cold.

“How long ago did she leave?” she croaked.

“The nurse said they think she left around seven a.m.”

“What time is it now?”

“Almost one.”

It was about a thirty-minute ride from the rehab to the city. Would Pearl even know an address to

give the cab driver? She could have told him Folsom and directed him once he got closer to roads she


The door suddenly opened and Parker slid in. “She’s not there. No one’s seen her in months. Do you

have hand sanitizer?”

Lucian reached in a compartment and tossed him a small bottle. “Where else can we look?”

“She’d most likely come back here,” Parker said as he cleaned his hands.

Tags: Lydia Michaels The Surrender Trilogy Billionaire Romance