Jemima settled big violet eyes on his superb bronzed torso and uttered an appreciative sigh, which made him feel ten feet tall. On the threshold of the bedroom, he stepped out of his trousers and a step later paused to shed his socks.

‘I really love being married to you,’ Alejandro confessed raggedly as he came down on the bed.

Surveying Alejandro in his boxer shorts, Jemima had no complaints to make either. Indeed she was dizzily conscious of the sheer happiness bubbling through her. ‘I love you too—more every day…’

He leant forward and kissed her and she quivered with pleasure and anticipation, revelling in the reality that it was a Friday and they had the whole night to enjoy each other. Much as they loved Alfie, it would be relaxing not to have a lively toddler sneaking into their bed at first light and ensuring that any fun had to be clean fun. The pressure of her handsome husband’s mouth on hers was unbearably sexy.

‘I love you…more than I have words to describe,’ Alejandro told her thickly.

‘I’ve got plenty of words,’ she broke free to tell him.

‘Shush,’ he urged, kissing her again until she forgot what she had been talking about and settled up against his lean powerful body like an extra layer of skin. The silence that ensued was broken only by revealing little gasps, moans and sighs while Alfie and Candice’s parents got thoroughly acquainted again after a day spent apart…

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Tags: Lynne Graham Billionaire Romance