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“Such a perfect ass,” I say in a low tone. “I can’t wait to get my cock in it.”

“Oh…God,” she whispers, gripping the edge of the countertop so hard her knuckles are white.

I slide my fingers in and out, not going far since I can tell this is new for her. Once I have her panting, I return my attention to her clit. After circling it a couple times with my fingertips, she sucks in a breath and moans.

“Kit…oh my God, I’m—”

She cries out hard, her legs shaking with the force of her orgasm as she bucks her hips in time with my fingers. My cock strains against my pants, aching to be inside her, but that’s not part of my plan tonight. I need to spend the rest of our date showing Molly I want her for more than just sex. I’m planning on dinner, conversation and a movie on my couch.

I kiss her shoulder and she relaxes, leaning forward on the counter.

“That’s what I needed, right there,” I say softly.

“That was…I mean…wow.”

“See? When we just let it happen, it’s out of this world.”

She doesn’t say anything, but she doesn’t have to. Her body already told me everything I needed to hear about her feelings on me calling the shots when it comes to sex.

She approves.

Chapter Nineteen


* * *

“You’ve been holding out on me!” Jenn says as she drops a stack of the special section on my desk. I look over at the picture of Kit on the cover.

“I have?”

Her eyes bug out with an isn’t-it-obvious look. “You’re dating Kit Carter.” She thrusts her pointer finger at me for emphasis.

“Who told you?”

“Mike—the sports photographer Mike, not the one in sales—saw you guys getting cozy over coffee yesterday. How long has this been going on? And how could you not tell me?”

Theo spins around in his chair, gaping at me. “You’re dating someone?”

“Not just someone,” Jen clarifies. “A Blaze player.”

I enjoy the unusual moment of stunned silence from Theo. “You’re…dating a Blaze player?”

“I…yes, I am.”

“Wow.” He grins. “Good for you, Lynch. You deserve to be happy.”

I furrow my brow. No wisecracks about my pens? No quips about me working too many hours to date? This is truly a momentous day. Theo is like the big brother I never had, though, and if I ever really needed someone to cover for me at work, he’s the one I’d ask.

“So let’s hear all the deets,” Jen says, sitting down in the chair next to my desk.

Theo laughs and turns back to his computer. He knows I absolutely hate it when anyone sits in that chair because goodbye, productivity.

“There are no deets,” I tell Jen.

“I beg to differ. Have you seen his stick?”

“Go away, I have work to do,” I say, trying to hold back a smile.

“Ohhh, you have! I can see it all over your face.”

“I’m not saying a single word about Kit,” I say, eyes focused on my computer screen.

Jen puts her hand on her chest, feigning distress. “You’re killing me, Molly. This is straight out of a movie. A reporter and the pro athlete she interviews for a story falling for each other? I mean…give me something.”

“We can talk about how cute my dog is if you want,” I offer, not looking away from my screen. “Other than that, though, I need to finish this story before my interview, so…”

“Ugh, fine.” Jen gets up. “But when you’re ready to talk about it, come find me.”

“That’ll be never.”

“You’re the worst.” She narrows her eyes at me and bursts into a huge smile. “But I’m really happy for you, girl.”

I just smile back, staying quiet. When she turns to walk away, I look over at the stack of special sections she left on my desk.

Kit’s smiling on the cover, posing on the ice at the Carson Center in his game uniform. I see so much more in his expression than I did before I knew him. He really is the nice guy his warm toffee-colored eyes and easy grin make him look like.

But there’s also an intensity to him. When he plays hockey, I’d say he’s focused and driven, but not necessarily intense. I only see that side of him when we’re intimate.

He blew my mind the other night in his kitchen. I still can’t believe I stood there, naked from the waist down, moaning shamelessly as he touched me under the bright lights of his kitchen island.

That’s what his intensity does to me. It makes me forget what I think and just give in to what I feel in the moment.

The rest of the time, though, when I’m alone with my thoughts, I can’t shake the nagging sensation I have that something’s not right. Kit doesn’t want me to touch him anywhere beneath his chest. It’s more than not wanting it—in the few times we’ve been together, he’s actually stopped me from touching him.

Tags: Brenda Rothert Chicago Blaze Romance