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“What are you doing?” I panted as he moved up my body. He’d promised me his mouth first.

He threaded his fingers through mine, holding my hands firmly to the mattress. I felt his thumb rub over my engagement ring as our eyes held. “I want the first time you come as my fiancé to be around my cock. ”

My inner muscles squeezed and my reaction was surprisingly docile. “Okay. ”

As his mouth moved over mine, he thrust into me.

It was hard. It was deep. And it was beautiful.

Just like always.

Chapter 2

Mission Accomplished

“I’m thinking of quitting Club 39,” I called out to Braden from the bedroom. He’d gotten home from work earlier than usual and was in the kitchen making us coffee.

“Why?” he called back. “I thought you liked it. ”

I closed my laptop, deciding to go back later to the chapter I was working on. It wasn’t very often Braden finished a workday at five o’clock, and I was determined to take advantage of that fact.

Wandering into the kitchen, I drew to a stop at the sight of the table. Braden’s laptop was open, surrounded by papers and clippings. “Um . . . ” I looked up at him as he stirred sugar into his coffee. “I’m sick of missing out on the weekends with you, and Jo’s leaving, so . . . ” I gestured to the table. “What’s all this?”

He handed me my coffee. “Wedding plans. ”

“Wedding plans?”

Braden sat down in front of his laptop and nodded at me to take the seat beside him. “I said I’d organize this thing and you said you’d help. I’m not finalizing anything until I get your opinion. ”

Since I was more than grateful he’d decided to take over the wedding plans from Ellie, who was determined to pinkify our wedding, I had agreed to help Braden. Sipping my coffee I sat down and stared at everything. It didn’t look like much, but our decisions were worth thousands of pounds, so we needed to be sure. We’d decided to split the wedding costs, which I thought was very evolved of my fiancé considering his tendency toward caveman mentality.

“So what have we got?”

“The church is booked, but we have to make a decision on the reception venue. ” Braden turned the laptop toward me. “I like the Balmoral Hotel. I’ve priced it. What do you think?”

I was looking over the PDF the hotel had sent him when our doorbell rang, followed by the sound of it opening. That either meant it was Ellie or Adam.

“It’s me!” Ellie called. “Before I come any farther, are you both dressed?”

Laughing, I assured her we were. Somewhere along the way she’d gotten the impression that Braden and I didn’t do anything together but have wild monkey sex.

His sister appeared in the doorway, smiling broadly. She held up a bag of delicious-smelling food. “Braden told me about the wedding plans. I brought Indian!”

“Even though I fired you from the wedding plans, I’m going to let you stay because you brought takeout. ” I slid out of my seat to help her plate up the food.

“I know. ” She smiled sheepishly. “But it’s exciting. I just wanted to be here to see what decisions you make. ”

“No refuting those decisions,” Braden muttered, eyeing her sternly. “That’s why I ended up as the wedding planner in the first place. ”

“I’ll be good. ” She promised. “Oh, I brought you these. ” She shoved a white plastic bag at me as I fumbled with a plate.

“What is it?” I asked warily.

“Candles. ” Ellie shrugged out of her jacket. “This place is so bare since I moved out. I thought those might make it a bit homier. ”

Sharing an amused look with Braden, I put the bag on the counter. Ellie was known to like clutter. Her idea of bare wasn’t a normal person’s idea of bare. “We’re minimalist. But thanks. ”

“Ooh,” Ellie cooed over Braden’s shoulder as she tilted the laptop screen. “The Balmoral? What do you think, Joss?”

“I think it’s beautiful,” I replied honestly, having already decided after looking at the photos that I was just going to agree to Braden’s ideas. It would make the process a lot less of a headache, and it wasn’t like we didn’t share the same taste.

“Yeah?” he asked.

“Definitely. ” I approached him with a plate of curry and rice, my eyes dipping to the floor. My gaze caught on Ellie’s feet. I tried and failed not to smile as I asked Els, “Sweetie, have you looked at your feet lately?”

Wrinkling her nose in confusion, Ellie looked down. She sighed. “Bugger. ”

Curious, Braden looked down too after accepting his plate from me and immediately choked on his bite of curry.

I laughed.

Ellie was wearing two different shoes. They were flats of a similar style, but one was definitely brown and the other black. “I’ve been wandering all day over New Town like this. ”

Tags: Samantha Young On Dublin Street Romance