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Without giving two fucks who may come upon us, I'm on her. In the dimly lit parking lot, I press her into the driver's door of my SUV and kiss the fuck out of her. Her hands dive into my hair, grip tight, and she tries to yank me closer.

My hands drop to her ass, feeling mostly skin, and I squeeze her hard as I draw her up against my erection.

"Yes," she moans into my mouth.

No. It should be no, no, no.

Given my past...what I could become...

It should be no.

But I've got no ability to reason through the terrible consequences of my actions. I only want to feel her mouth working against mine.

My entire body jerks when Simone drops a hand, works it between us, and palms my cock through my jeans. In turn, my fingers dive under the back of her shorts to brush against the damp crotch of her thong.

Her hips buck and I press a single finger against the wet silk to rub her.

Simone tears her mouth free from mine and pushes her face into my neck. "More," she groans, stroking me through the denim.

"Christ," I mutter back. "We need to stop."

"No," she cries out, now rotating her hips to create friction against my finger.

"We're in a fucking parking lot, Simone," I say with exasperation, and yet my finger finds the elastic seam of her panties and inches under.

Just a tiny see how wet she is from that kiss.

Headlights sweep over us and a car engine cuts through the haze. Simone doesn't notice or doesn't care, but it brings me to my senses. I pull my hand out from between her legs and step back slowly from her. She looks up at me with eyes so fevered I almost say fuck the risk of getting caught and figure I could toss her into the back of my car to fuck.

I shake my head hard, getting rid of those insane thoughts.

Thoughts that scare the living shit out of me if I were to act on them.

"Van," Simone whispers.

"Just don't," I snap at her, scrubbing my hand through my hair. "This is fucking nuts. What were you thinking?"

Heat flashes in Simone's eyes, and it's not the sensual type. "What the fuck was I thinking? What the fuck were you doing? You were just fingering me and now you're stopping?"

"If I was fingering you, little girl," I say in a low, rumbling voice I barely recognize, "You'd know it. You'd be coming all over my finger."

"Oh God," she almost whines in exasperation. "Why do you have to say stuff like that?"

I feel as helpless as she sounds. And I don't know why I'm torturing either one of us with such things. I just know this is a bad fucking idea, no matter how much I want to feel her pussy wrapped around my cock.

Taking a different tack, I let out a breath and say, "Simone...I can't do this with you."

"Why not?" she whispers.

Why not?

God, if she knew the reasons why not, she'd be running from me faster than she's ever run before. But I can't tell her those things. I can't tell her because I don't want to tell her. I'll never share those things with anyone. Not even my sweet Aunt Etta, although I think she has some suspicions why I don't date.

So without any other recourse, I come up with the best reason that I know she'll accept.

"Because you are my teammates' sister, and I don't mess around like that," I tell her with what I hope is an adequately solemn voice. "It's sort of an unwritten rule."

"Bullshit," she calls me out.

"It's not," I maintain.

"It's so bullshit," she snaps at me, but then her gaze turns calculating. "But I'd be willing to keep it a secret if you wanted."

I close my eyes, and not for the first time in my life, I pray for some type of peace. Because having just a tiny taste of Simone and knowing I can't have more is indeed misery.

"I'm sorry," I say as I take her by the shoulders and gently move her away from my door. I open it and climb in. She watches me with a guarded expression, but before I can pull the door closed, she calls my name.

I hesitate and just stare at her.

"Don't you dare tell my brothers I'm working here," she says.

I grit my teeth, because I had planned on doing exactly that. No way would Lucas let her continue here if he knew.

But then I realize I have leverage now. So I lean back out and look her dead in the eye. "I'll keep my mouth shut if you agree to leave me alone. No more flirting, no more come-ons. Just stop it all and you've got my word."

She doesn't answer me right away, but finally I see her shoulders sag slightly and she nods. "Fine."

Then she turns on her heel and saunters back across the parking lot toward the restaurant. Her hips sway provocatively, not because I think she thinks I'm watching, but because she knows the men in that restaurant will as she approaches.

That knowledge causes my stomach to burn with fury, but I push it down.

She's not my problem to worry about.

Chapter 6


I know it only makes me a glutton for punishment, but I can't seem to stop scanning the crowd here in Hoolihan's looking for Van. I have no clue if he'll come over from the arena with the rest of the team to celebrate tonight's win. The Cold Fury took game two of the second round, up 2-0 against the Pittsburgh Titans. I drove Jules to the game tonight in my brand-new used beat-up car that Lucas helped me buy. Well, he bought it so I could have job transportation and I'm paying him back. I'm going to hand Jules off to Max when he gets here.

"Here you go," Jules says as she approaches me with two beers.

"Thanks," I say, making another sweep of the crowded bar. It's packed shoulder to shoulder with fans in the excited throes of play-off hockey. Many of the Cold Fury players come here after a win to celebrate with the local crowd.

True to my word, I've left Van alone over this past week. I was so sure that night he caught me at Lulu's that he was finally going to take what I offered, and give me what I wanted. It's totally bullshit he's blaming this on my brothers, and I know it's not due to a lack of attraction, because his hard-on tells me different. Fuck if I can figure it out, but sadly, I'm going to have to give him the space he's asked for, because I cannot afford to have Max or Lucas find out where I'm working. I flat-out lied to them and told them I got a job working third shift in a customer call center over in Research Triangle Park.

If they knew, they'd go ballistic. There is no way they'd want their baby sister flaunting her goods like that. What really sucks is that even though the tips are fairly decent, they aren't enough to let me pay my living expenses, pay Lucas for the car, and start to pay my parents back for the wasted Dartmouth education. This was something that they insisted I start with right away and I can't blame them. Only problem is, waitressing at Lulu's doesn't give me enough to do all that, so I've actually thought about stripping. It's not something I'd prefer to do, but I sure as hell will do what I need to do to start making this up to my parents. One of my coworkers at Lulu's dances just a few days a week at an upscale place here in Raleigh, and she can make upward of a thousand dollars. I have to give that some serious consideration.

Not sure how my life got so far off track, but I think it started the day that I told my father I wanted to be a doctor like him. I think I was thirteen, and since then, it was just assumed by everyone--me included--that is what I'd be.

But at the start of my junior year I realized it was not what I wanted. I had no passion for medicine, despite the fact I excelled in all my math and science classes. I kept telling myself I just needed to tell my parents, but then I'd put it off. Days turned into weeks, which turned into months, which turned into another year of college under my belt. I had been so driven and focused on stacking up on undergrad courses that would look good to the best med schools that I'd pigeonholed myself. Add to that, I just wasn't enjoying college, because I knew that for every course I completed, I was one step closer to entering a career I didn't want. And truthfully, I didn't want to disappoint my parents.

So yes, it was absolutely

foolish to just drop out before the last semester of my senior year started. It was positively stupid not to tell my parents about it. I knew it was wrong, and eventually I fessed up to Lucas, who made me tell my parents and Max.

Let's just say I'm lucky they're still speaking to me.

It was only my promise to immediately get a job and start sending them money for the thousands and thousands of dollars they'd spent that I think I was allowed back into the fold.

My parents are great, though. They love me unconditionally and I'm not stupid...they still hold out hope I'll go back and finish. I really wish that were true, although I just don't know what I want to major in now.

Turning to Jules, I nudge her as she sips her beer and looks around the crowd for Max. "Let me ask you something."

"What's that?" she asks with a smile.

"What do you think I should do with my life?"

Jules blinks at me a few times and then gives a tiny, helpless shrug. "I can't answer that for you, honey. You know that."

"Yeah, I know," I say in defeat. I take a sip of my beer, let my eyes sweep the crowd again so I can torture myself by looking at Van but not touching.

That is, if he decides to come.

"Do you truly have no idea of what you want to do?" Jules asks, and my eyes slice back to her. I want to do Van, but that's not exactly what she's asking.

"Jules," I say with a small amount of shame. "I have no experience in life. I've never worked anything outside of waitressing or bartending, and I went into college thinking the only thing I'd ever be was a doctor. That means I didn't bother checking out other career paths."

Tags: Sawyer Bennett Cold Fury Hockey Romance