Page 83 of Predestined Hearts

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“What do you mean you’re getting married?” Annie asked me as she looked at me confused.

Pushing her soft brown curls from her face I barely said above a whisper, “Devlin and I are getting married, I want you to be present Annie.”

Shaking her head, she turned from me and whispered, “But you are in mourning, Sophia. Have you forgotten about Daniel?”

Sucking in a breath, I used my finger to make my sister Annie look me in the eyes. “I will forever mourn my loss of Danny.” Closing my eyes, I whispered, “Forever.”

“I don’t understand then.”

Opening my eyes, I saw the confusion in my younger sister’s eyes. “Why are you marrying, Devlin? Do you love him?”

Thinking about how to answer my younger sister’s question, I paused for a moment to reflect on my answer. “Before I ever met Danny, I knew Devlin, Annie. We were attracted to each other at one time in our lives, but it was nothing like the attraction I had for Danny. Danny will always own my heart and be my forever love. But he is gone and I’ve lost not only him, but our child. I’m lonely, scared, and to be honest, spending the last two months with Devlin, I find myself attracted to him again.”

“But not in love.”

Slowly shaking my head, I whispered, “I don’t know.”

Tilting her head, Annie pursed her lips. “Why marry him then, Sophia? I don’t understand.”

Brushing the back of my hand down the side of her Annie’s face, I gave her a weak smile. “You’re too young to understan

d, Annie. A part of me desires Devlin, very much. Do I love him? I’m not sure, but I think I deserve to have whatever little happiness there is for me in this life.”

Annie looked into my eyes and then searched my face as she attempted to understand my words.

“Will you grow to love him? Is that how love works?”

“No! That is not how love works at all, Annie. Never ever settle. My true love was Danny and this cruel world took him from me. Should I go on through my life being unhappy and wishing I was in Danny’s arms?”

Annie’s response was delayed as she thought about my question. “I wouldn’t think so. Daddy says life moves on after we lose someone. Daddy said that Daniel wouldn’t want to see you so unhappy like you have been.”

Smiling weakly, I took in the beautiful sight of my younger sister. Reaching over, I took one of her blonde curls and twisted it in my fingers. The memory of Danny doing the same to me filled my body with sadness.

Wiping a tear away, I agreed. “No, he wouldn’t.”

“So, because you are attracted to, Devlin, you’re going to marry him and hope that you fall in love. Is he good to you, Sophia?”

Smiling, I nodded my head. “Oh, yes, Annie. Devlin has been there for me and has been so patient. I know if I asked him to wait another year, or even two years, he would wait.” Looking away from her inquisitive eyes, I took in a shaky breath. “He loves me very much. I see it in his eyes and feel it in his touch.”

“Then that’s a good thing. Maybe he will love you so much that it will be enough for both of you!”

Turning back to her, I nodded my head.

“Will you have sex with him, Sophia?”

Pulling my head back, I was shocked by how brazen my sister was. “Annie, that is a very personal question.”

“Earlier, at the party, I heard two older women talking, Sophia. They said that Devlin gazed upon you with lust in his eyes. They said with you being so young, it wouldn’t be long before you gave in to the sexual desire. The one girl even said she heard rumors of you and Devlin fucking in his guesthouse so the servants wouldn’t know.”

Covering my mouth, I attempted to hold back my laughter. Biting on the inside of my cheek, I gave Annie a stern look. “Annie, do not ever fall prey to gossiping. Ever. Now, do not ever use such language again.”

“I was just repeating what they said. Is it true, Sophia? Have you had sex with Devlin?”

My heart began racing and I swore sweat was beading along my brow. “No, I have never been with anyone but Danny. Now finish getting dressed or you’ll make me late for my own wedding.”

Helping Annie slip her dress on, we were ready in no time. Making our way down to the front door my breath caught when I saw Devlin. He was dressed in his finest and his smile lit up the whole room.

“You’re wearing the blue dress.”

Tags: Kelly Elliott, Kristin Mayer Romance