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Snapping my head to look at her, I opened and closed my mouth at least four times. It was hard lying to Kaelynn—like I said, she could always read me.

“That’s not true.”

She frowned and tilted her head, giving me that look that said, Really? I know you’re lying.

“Fine, she annoys me a little. She talks so much. Do we really care if she and Blake were stuck in an elevator for three hours?”

“But Morgan,” Kaelynn said in mock admiration, “they made good use of their time!”

I scoffed. “Ugh, who does that? Who brags about sex like that?”

Kaelynn shrugged. “Blake made it clear nothing happened between them. You’re sure you’re not bothered by something else?”

“Like what?” I asked, taking the last plate from her.

Wiping her hands on a towel, Kaelynn turned and faced me, leaning her hip against the sink counter.

“I saw the way you and Blake looked at each other when you walked in. I couldn’t help notice how nervous he was when Rose talked, and the two of you can’t stop looking at one another.”

“You’re seeing things, Kaelynn.”

I absolutely hated lying to my best friend. But would it do any good to tell her Blake and I had slept together? It wasn’t like it would happen again.

She stared at me longer. “What?” I asked.

“Morgan, it’s okay if you and Blake like each other.”

Laughing, I replied, “Like Blake? Are you kidding me?”

Nash walked into the kitchen, making both of us jump when he asked, “What are y’all talking about?”

My cheeks heated, and my pulse raced. I was not going down this path of keeping secrets. Nash had done that with Tucker when he secretly dated his sister, Lily. Things didn’t work out between them when Lily ended up cheating on Nash, but Tucker had been furious when he found out Nash had been hiding the relationship. I couldn’t do that to my brother.

Wait. What am I worried about here? There was no relationship. There is no Blake and me.

That thought made me sad.

“Nothing. Your fiancée is insane.”

Nash smiled and wrapped his arms around Kaelynn, resting his hand over her stomach.

“Hey, you about ready to head on out?”

“This early?” Kaelynn asked.

“I don’t want you getting too tired.”

My heart swelled in my chest as I watched the two of them.

Someday, Morgan. Someday you’ll find a man who looks at you like that. A man who adores you and only wants to make you happy.

Kaelynn turned in his arms and reached up to kiss him. “Nash, I’m not tired, and I promise if I get tired, I’ll let you know when I want to leave.”

He kissed her nose. “I love you.”

I looked away to give them a private moment. A light outside caught my eye. When I turned back to ask what it was, Nash and Kaelynn were lost in a kiss. With a roll of my eyes, I headed out the back door and toward the light.

As I drew closer, I saw what it was. A gazebo. Tucker had mentioned they were building one, but I hadn’t seen it yet.

Tags: Kelly Elliott Austin Singles Erotic