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“I ordered it last week and it got here yesterday. Perfect timing.”

“I’ll say,” Tucker said, walking over and taking Hannah from my arms. “Sorry, Nash, you have to share.”

I pouted, which caused both women to laugh.

“Want to hold her?” Tucker asked.

“Goodness, yes! Where can I wash my hands?”

“Here,” I said, pointing to the bathroom.

In no time at all, Kaelynn had washed her hands, taken Hannah from Tucker with expert ease, and settled herself into the rocking chair. Watching her with the baby did something weird to my body. I couldn’t pull my eyes off her. When I finally snapped out of the daze I was in, I heard Charlie and Kaelynn giggling.

“What’s so funny?” I asked.

“Did you hear this tiny little thing just fart?” Kaelynn asked, a beautiful smile over her face.

Tucker bumped me on the arm. “I’m afraid Nash was off in his own little world there for a few moments.”

Charlie gave me a warm smile, then looked at Tucker. “I’m starving. Would you please go get me some real food? This hospital stuff isn’t cutting it. A taco from Taco Cabana, maybe?”

Leaning down to kiss Charlie, Tucker whispered something against her ear that made her cheeks flush. I couldn’t help but look away to give them a moment of privacy. I was positive Tucker was telling Charlie how beautiful she was, or how he couldn’t wait to be alone with her. They had a love like that. A love that I wanted for myself one day. “Nash, cowboy up and ride with me, man.”

“You got it, Tucker . . . Kaelynn, would you like something?” I asked as I walked up and leaned over some to look at the baby once more. The smell of the newborn and Kaelynn’s light soap mixed together and made me dizzy for a moment.

Without looking up at me, Kaelynn smiled as she gazed down at the baby. “No, thank you. I’m perfectly fine.”

We weren’t even out of the hospital before Tucker dove in.

“So, Kaelynn, huh?”

“What do you mean?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. For all the years I had been able to keep the secret of me dating my best friend’s sister, I couldn’t pull off hiding a damn crush with one of my best friends.

“Don’t play around with me, Nash. I see the way you look at Kaelynn. I saw how lost you were watching her with Hannah. And the way she looked at you when she first walked in. I almost needed a bath filled with that soft hospital ice to cool off from all the sexual heat that built up in that room.”

I scoffed. “You are way off, dude.”

He grabbed me by the arm, pulling me to a stop. “Am I? Nash, I’ve never seen you look at anyone like that. I saw it at the bar, the comedy club, and just now. You like her. Why don’t you just admit it to yourself? More importantly, why don’t you just do something about it?”

Signing, I rubbed th

e back of my neck. “I don’t think she feels the same. Plus, I think she’s hiding something from me. I can’t fall for someone who has secrets . . . not again, Tucker.”

With a nod, he turned and headed to the parking garage. “Are you sure she doesn’t feel the same way? Maybe she’s not hiding a secret, but more like hiding the way she feels about you.”

I shrugged off his comment. “Doesn’t matter. She sort of made it clear she isn’t interested when she blew me off after I asked her out to dinner. Besides, I have a date tomorrow night.”

Slipping into the truck, Tucker looked at me with a hard expression. “A date? You’re finally going out on a date and wait . . . when did you ask Kaelynn out?”

“Right after our little impromptu road trip to Houston. She turned me down. Twice, actually. I’m not going to beg her. If she’s not interested, then I’m moving on.”

“Okay, well, who are you going out with then?”

“Lori, a girl on the coed softball team I play on. She’s been flirting, and I’ve been blowing her off. I think it’s time I stopped ignoring her. Maybe I do need to get out there and start dating.”

“Wow. I mean, I guess I’m glad you’re finally getting over Lily. I guess I read it wrong between you and Kaelynn. It’s just, damn, the way you two look at each other.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not saying she isn’t beautiful. She is. And I’m attracted to her; there is no doubt about that. The problem isn’t me; it’s her. She made it clear to me, so I’m not going to pine over it.”

Tags: Kelly Elliott Austin Singles Erotic