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I closed my eyes and silently cursed myself. “I know and I feel like I can’t function right. My sleeping is off, I never feel like eating, and yesterday she said she had a date.”

“Good. I’m glad she had a date. You can’t take something like that from someone and then change your mind. You deserve whatever punishment she gives you.”

My mouth snapped shut as I stared at him.

“She is moving on. Jase, if you have no intention of making a future with this girl, you have to let her go.”

I’d never in my life felt the urge to cry. Except for when my mother accidentally dumped my fish into the garbage disposal. I actually cried then. Poor, Shark. He didn’t stand a chance.

“I can’t let her go.” Turning away before the threat of tears turned into a water show, I shook my head. “I can’t let her go, Dad.”

His hand gripped my shoulder as he squeezed it. “Jase, you either love this girl enough to let her go, or you go after her and drop down on your knees and beg her to forgive the stupid ass way you handled things. If it’s meant to be, love will figure out a way.”

With a slight push, he mumbled something about the apple not falling far. “Come on, let’s get this stuff put in the truck and get back to the house. Your mother will have dinner ready soon.”

The entire ride back to the house I stared out the window. My heart told me what I should do, if only my head had the same plan.


“How was the date?”

Gazing down at my beautiful niece, Charlotte, I smiled and said, “It was okay.”

“Okay? That’s it?”

With a shrug, I made baby sounds while Charlotte stared off into space. “Yep. That’s it.”


Glancing over my shoulder, I stared at my sister. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

With a shrug of her shoulders and a smirk, she replied, “Nothing. It’s just you haven’t really been the same since your little encounter with Jase in Paris.”


mention of his name had my body reacting. “I don’t want to talk about him.”


“Ugh. Stop saying that, Meg!”

“I’m not saying anything.”

I placed Charlotte in her bassinet and sighed as I fell back onto the couch. “You’re implying something.”

“I’m doing no such thing.”

Peeking over to Grace, I couldn’t help but notice her holding back a smile as she held her son, Trey, in her lap. “What are you smiling about?” I snapped.

“Damn girl, settle your tits. I’m not smiling about anything.”

Turning to look at Meagan, Grace frowned as Meagan said, “Told you.”

Standing, I shook my head. “So, I hardly ever get to come to town and hang out with y’all and this is how it’s going to be?”

“Sorry, Tay, it’s not fair of us. We’ll stop,” Meagan said as Grace laughed.

“The hell we will. I’m guessing by your bitch mood you’re in, the date didn’t go like you planned and you most likely thought about Jase the entire night.”

Tags: Kelly Elliott Love Wanted in Texas Romance