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“Making friends, little girl?”

She cocked an eyebrow at me.

“It’s not my fault they wanted to get a drink.”

“They wanted you.”

“If you say so.”

“Finish your drink.”

“Oh, but I just got a fresh one!” She gestured to the spot in front of her. “Two, actually. These won’t be charged to your room though.”

She preened and smiled at me coquettishly, but there was an edge to her dazzling smile. I cursed inwardly. I could tell she was still angry with me.

“They were gifts.”

“I’ll wait.”

If she wanted to do things this way, fine. I would play along if it made her feel better. Once we were alone, though, all bets were off.

I knew she was a virgin so I would be gentle the first time. Once and only once. After that, I would take what a man wanted.

What a man needed.

She fluttered her eyelashes at me as I stood there, looming over her. She wasn’t the least bit afraid of me. I liked that about her.

Most people were pretty much scared shitless.

I knew that sheer physical intimidation had gotten me the top spot at the club. At least at first. A couple of guys I served with had introduced me to the Untouchables. I was the first, and only, member who did not have to go through a trial phase. I’d been named President in less than two years as a member.

And it wasn’t just because I had a big ole dick.

I’d learned to lead in the Corps and it had served me well. I never raised my voice or lost control. It wasn’t necessary. I just told people what to do and they did it.

Until Kelly.

She was the first to defy me since, well, ever. I didn’t know what to make of it. I wanted her so badly that I was doing things differently. I’d never waited for a woman, let alone waited for her to finish her drink. If she were anyone else, I would have walked away without a backward glance. But she had her hooks in me, and I was pretty sure she had no idea how deep.

Life would be so much easier right now if she just did as she was told.

Go upstairs. Take your clothes off. Get in the bed. Hug my dick for ten or twelve hours.

“Are you really going to drink both of those?”

She raised an eyebrow.

“So what if I am?”

“You are a bad girl.” I leaned closer. “You know what happens to bad girls?”


Her voice was breathless and sexy as hell. She wanted to know. She was doing this on purpose.

“They get spanked.”

Her eyes were wide. She hadn’t been expecting that. I liked surprising her.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Try me.”


She tossed her hair and then guzzled half the drink she was holding. Then she grabbed the remaining full glass and sauntered out of bar like a queen. I shook my head, grinning, as I followed her.

Yes, Kelly was a handful. But she was my handful. Or she would be soon.

And I could barely fucking wait.

I watched her cute little ass sway out to the lobby. I already had our key card, from checking out the place earlier in the day. I had exit routes mentally mapped. My backups had backups. I was ready.

She sipped her drink in the elevator ride to our floor. She was nervous, I realized suddenly. She’d told me she was a virgin when we first met. I had no idea what other experience she might have, but my instincts when we kissed told me it was next to nothing.

Her bravado in the bar, all of that, it was just that. Bravado. An act. My brave and beautiful girl was shaking in her cute little shoes.

Of course she is nervous, you jackass.

I grunted and took her hand. She looked at me in surprise as my thumb caressed her wrist. Then she let out a little sigh.

There, that was better.

I held her hand all the way down the long hallway to our door. We were not far from the service entrance, which was good and bad from a security standpoint. A great way to beat it if you had to bug out. Also a great way for the psycho on the loose to gain access.

I opened the door and we stepped inside. I pressed her shoulders against the wall and did a quick sweep of the suite. It was a main room with a bedroom on either side. I’d thought about just getting a bedroom, but I didn’t want to freak her out.

The enormous sectional couch was roomy enough for both of us anyway.


I held out on my hand and she placed her phone in it, giving me a wary look. I pulled up her recent calls and selected a number. I dialed it and handed the phone back to her.

On speaker.

“Tell your mom you won’t be coming home tonight.”

Tags: Joanna Blake The Untouchables MC Erotic