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The man had legit cried.

It was so sweet I swear I fell in love with Connor him all over again.

“This is Daniella. Daniella, this is your uncle Mason.”

I handed the baby to Mason and he took her, holding her in his massive leather clad arms. He bounced her very softly, like she was the most precious thing in the world.

And to the three people in this room, plus a handful of others, she was.

“I was hoping you’d be her Godfather.”

Mase stared at me, then back at our little girl. Conn shook his head and rolled his eyes. This part he hadn’t argued with.

Even though I was pretty sure he’d wanted to.

Mase cleared his throat.

“You sure, kid? You know what kind of guy I am.”

“Yeah.” I smiled and reached out to put my hand on his leather clad arm. “The best guy.”

Conn cleared his throat and I rolled my eyes.

“One of the two best guys.” I clarified. My husband smiled goofily at me. He needed to hear how much I loved him as often as possible. I never minded telling him.

Mase laughed and put his big hand under Daniella’s tiny feet.

“It would be my honor.”

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Tags: Joanna Blake The Untouchables MC Erotic