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I stared at my sleeping bride.

No, she was my wife. On paper and in our hearts. It was done.

At long last, Cass was my wife.

She’d been a trooper tonight, talking and chatting with all the guests. Dancing our first dance. She’d even gotten bossy, dragging me away from Kelly when my little sister looked like she might slug me.

I frowned.

Kelly had listened to me I think. I hadn’t seen her near the big biker all night. But he made no effort to hide the fact that he was watching her.

Not just watching her. The man who never had a facial expression in his life was clearly lusting after my innocent little sister, who was 1000 percent off limit!

Great, just what I needed. Another fucking biker! And this one was after my little sister!

I grumbled, suddenly realizing how Mase had felt. Kelly was twenty-one and old enough to date. But I wasn’t ready for it.

And I certainly wasn’t going to allow her to be carried away by a badass biker!

Cass rolled over and mumbled in her sleep. We’d made love very carefully. And only once.

I was still pent up but there was a little something on the bedside table that kept me from waking her.

A pregnancy test.

We’d stopped at a twenty-four hours pharmacy on the way to the hotel. She’d waited in the limo as I ran inside. Then we’d come back and celebrated together by making the bed bounce.

She’d taken the test after we made love. Then she immediately fell asleep.

So I was alone, and staring at the damn thing.

The damn thing with the little blue plus sign on it.

My angel was pregnant.

I put my hands behind my head and grinned, feeling pleased with my manly prowess. I’d done that in record time! She couldn’t be more than four weeks along, even if I knocked her up the first time we did it!

Come to think of it, that was probably exactly what had happened.

Cass snuggled up to me. I rolled to my side and kissed her shoulder. Her beautiful eyes opened, blinking at me like a little bird.

“What- time is it?”

“Just after one.”

I kissed her bare shoulder, letting my hands run down her flank. I tried to imagine her with her belly rounded, and her perfect breasts growing big and ready to make milk.



“Why are you smiling like that?”

I rolled her to her back and kissed her, rubbing my cock against her sweetness.

“I’m a lucky bastard that’s all.”


“Because I’m married to you.” I smiled at the shy look on her face. “And because I’m going to be a daddy.”

Her eyes widened and she sat up, shoving me off her. I was caught between a moan and a laugh as my plans to take her again were interrupted. She grabbed the test and stared at it.

“Oh my God!”

I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her back to the pillows.

“We’ll get a doctor appointment tomorrow. Just relax and let Daddy take care of you tonight.” I smiled. “I’ll always take care of you.”

She slid her arms around my neck and wrapped one thigh over my hip in a blatant invitation.

“Alright, it’s a deal. As long as…”

“What is it love?” I kissed her neck. “Anything you want.”

“Stop calling yourself ‘Daddy!’”

My laugh turned into a moan as my cock slipped just inside her. She was so wet and ready. And I was always ready.

We spent the weekend making love and napping. We made a list of doctors to call come Monday and even walked to a bookstore in town and bought a baby book.

It was the best weekend of my life.

And I knew it was just the start of it.

Yeah, I was one hell of a lucky bastard.

Seven and a Half Months Later


I paced back and forth, running my hands through my hair. My angel was in labor and I was about to lose my ever-lovin’ mind. The nurse was examining her, telling her it would be time soon.

Cass was fully dilated. I could hardly believe it. My wife was having our baby!

One of many, I hoped. I wanted a whole house full of adorable little Cassies and Connors. The more the merrier. I just hadn’t told her that yet.

I knew she wanted to get through college first.

What a difference a year could bring. A year ago, I was alone and bitter. I had no love in my life, other than my mother and sister. I knew I’d been lucky to have Sheil and some of the guys too.

But I held everyone at bay. I shut them out. Without Danny, life had lost its luster.

I was still tracking his killer. All signs pointed to the Hell Raisers and not the Untouchables, thank God.

I think my wife would have my head if I messed with her extended family. Who were now my extended family too. I was starting to get used to them, in small doses. I even rode my vintage Indian with Mase now and then.

Tags: Joanna Blake The Untouchables MC Erotic