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It was long enough to get to the kitchen or the bathroom. I stared at he started removing anything that could be used as a weapon from the drawers.

That bastard had thought of everything! Now I was truly fucked. I couldn’t leave and I couldn’t defend myself.

I tugged on the cuff around my ankle and screamed.


“Scream all you want, honey. No one’s gonna hear you.”

She tugged frantically at her ankle, then stopped to glare at me. Dammit, the old stereotype was true. Casey was even prettier than usual when she was angry.

“You’re not going anywhere.”

“You can’t do this.”

“I can. And I will.”

“This is- kidnapping!”

“You aren’t a kid. And I’m a federal agent.”

“Good! If someone finds out they will throw you in jail!”

I smiled at her calmly, my eyes trailing over her long legs. She was wearing tight jeans and they were extremely sexy for some reason.

Probably because she was wearing them.

“I don’t think so.”

“Oh yeah? How are you going to explain this?”

She held up the chain and waved it at me.

“Kinky sex game?”

Her mouth opened in shock. I had her there. And damn if it didn’t give me ideas.

“I’m tired Casey, or whatever your name is. But you are going to tell me something. You are going to tell me everything.”

Her eyes were wide as I walked over to the couch and sat down next to her.

“No, I’m not.”

“Yes. You are.”

I smiled and reached out for her. Then I pulled her over my lap. She screamed as she lay facedown on the couch. Her perfect bottom was high up in the air as she wiggled around, trying to get away.

I grunted, realizing my dick was getting hard and that there was no way to hide it from her.

She stopped wiggling with a loud gasp.

Oh yeah, she’d noticed alright.

I rested one hand on her back to hold her in place and laid one over the generous globes of her delicious looking ass.

Hmmff… it felt nice too. Really fucking nice. I smiled to myself and lifted my hand.

Time to make it jiggle.


“Was Dante at the Jar that night?”

“Ow! Yes, Christ I told you!”


“Did you see him with the vic?”

Silence. So be it. I lifted my hand again.


“Did you see Dante with the vic?”


I stopped, my hand frozen in midair. I knew it was insane what I was doing. Everything I was doing.

I was too close to the case. It was the middle of the night. The girl brought out a protective urge in me.

But it was more than all that.

Her shoulders were shaking. I let my hand rest on her bottom. I stroked her softly, knowing that it was dangerous.


But Jesus it felt right.

She sat up and stared at me. Those bright blue eyes of hers shimmered with unshed tears.

I reached out, my head tilted as I examined her. My fingers found her cheek and noticed that they were dry. She hadn’t let a single tear fall.

I smiled into that beautiful, perfect face of hers.



“I’m- I’m not lying.”

He shook his head slowly, his fingers still cupping my cheek. We’d crossed all kinds of lines in the past ten minutes.

Maybe we’d been crossing them since we met.

The man had me chained up and had spanked me like a child. But in that moment, I knew he was trying to keep me safe.

I felt safe.

And that wasn’t the weirdest thing at all. The weirdest thing, was that I wanted him to kiss me.

I wondered if I had that syndrome when people fall in love with their captors.

Stockholm Syndrome.

But I’d only technically been captured for twenty minutes. So… unlikely. Besides, what I was feeling wasn’t love. It couldn’t be.

But I did seem to be devloping one hell of a crush on Connor DeWitt.

And I had a suspicion the feeling was mutual. Which made everything even more confusing. He was trying to protect me. He hadn’t kissed me, even though it seemed like he wanted to.

He wasn’t a guy trying to bang the waitress from The Jar with the bright blue eyes. Or maybe he was. But it didn’t feel like that.

Besides, he wasn’t making any moves on me.

In that moment, I almost wished that he would.

He swallowed and I stared at his Adam’s apple as it bobbed up and down. I had an urge to run my fingers over it. Feel the roughness of his stubble.

He stood up and I suddenly felt shockingly alone. He walked around the room, turning the lights down. He brought me a glass of water and a blanket.

Then he took his laptop and the box of sharp objects he’d confiscated earlier. He stood at the foot of the stairs, watching me. His finger brushed the light switch on the wall and the room plunged into darkness.

“Get some sleep.”


‘What the fuck are you doing DeWitt?’

I could hear Danny in my head. I could almost see him leaning against the dresser, giving me a dark look. He sounded worried, which was a bad sign. Usually he liked the off the wall stuff.

Tags: Joanna Blake The Untouchables MC Erotic