Page 43 of Chaser (Dive Bar 3)

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"No," I said. "Jean and Ada, they're it for me. I'm there whenever I'm not working or hitting the gym with you. They're my life now, man, and it's good. It's really good. I can talk to her about anything, you know?"

"Are you sure this is what she wants, though, you guys selling the Dive Bar?"

"Honestly, we haven't gone into specifics. I've kind of avoided it because I didn't want to put any more pressure on her. She just wants stability and the best life for Ada," I said. "She never expected to be a mom this early and I know she worries a lot about messing things up. God knows her own parents aren't the best example. Though they're making an effort with Ada."


"But you can't fault Jean for being a good mother and putting her kid first," I continued. "Whether she decides what's best is here or down South, I guess we'll see."

"Fair enough." He slapped me on the back hard enough to nearly knock me off my seat. Bastard. "No shit. I'm going to miss you if you go, man."

"Are you going to cry?"

"Shut up."

"'Cause I think I'll cry if you do. Really. It will be beautiful."

He ignored me.

We both watched the idiot behind the bar screw up a few more cocktails in silence for a while. Jesus, he was incompetent. My fingers itched to hop over the bar and take charge. Teach him what was up or fire him, one or the other.

"It'll all work out," I said, willing it to be so. "Think she'll make a decision soon, though. Then we'll know what's going on. Yeah."

Joe just nodded.

Fuck, I hope Jean made her mind up soon. The suspense was driving me crazy.

"You going to tell Lydia and Nell about this visit?" asked Joe.

"Yeah, I think I should be honest with them. After all we've done to put the Dive Bar together. They deserve to know."

"Bet you won't tell your girlfriend, though." He picked up a couple of nuts, chucking them in the air and catching them with his mouth. "You don't want to put any pressure on her."

I scowled. "What's your problem?"

"I don't know." He shrugged. "Just seems like, if everything's so great between you two, don't you think you should let her know where you're at?"

I said nothing.

"When there's shit to be decided between Alex and I, we hash it out together."

"You're forgetting, I'm not Ada's biological father," I said. "Legally, I'm not Ada's anything. I can't make that decision for them."

Joe just raised his brows.

"What does that mean?"

"Worried that if you don't talk to her about all of this, lay it on the line, one day you might regret it," he said. "That's all. And she won't have a fucking clue because you never talked to her about it. For all she knows, you're happy to pick up and move tomorrow, right?"

"She's got enough on her plate as it is. I don't want to stress her out."

"What, you think she's going to kick you out or something for having an opinion?"


He didn't even pause. "Because I've seen the way the woman looks at you. Even from the first day she turned up in town, you two have been stupid about each other in your own sweet ways."

I swore, but actually it was kind of nice to hear that. Still, talk about sticking your nose in where it wasn't wanted ... "I've got it under control."

"No, you don't. She's a grown-ass woman, Eric. Start treating her like one. Talk to her, tell her about this place and what you're thinking," he said, his voice serious, even stern. "I know you're crazy about each other. But you have to communicate. You're not sheltering her from shit. Not really."

"Okay, okay. I'll think about it. Jesus."


Unfortunately, it didn't feel good at all.



"How's my best girl?" I crooned, taking Ada off Jean about two seconds after she'd walked into the Dive Bar. It was the night after Joe's and my ill-fated trip to the resort, and I'd been basking in being back in a proper bar again. Basking? Hell, I was glowing. The poor schmuck who'd wandered up to the bar and innocently asked if he could have a paloma hadn't known what hit him. In the history of the world, no one had ever mixed tequila and grapefruit into such an art form.

"Thought we'd come have dinner down here and sneak in a visit," said Jean.

"You're always welcome here." I stole a kiss off her. "It's been a slow night. The storm's keeping people home. How's your day been?"

Jean fluffed up her hair. "Busy. You're now the official owner of half of the cupboard."

"First you buy me a toothbrush and now you've made room in the cupboard?"

Pink tinged her cheeks. "I want it to feel like home for you too. I know there's no immediate plans to get rid of your apartment, but..."

"It'll be easier."

She smiled. "Yes. It will be."

"Sweet." I patted Ada's diaper-clad butt. "Kind of sounds like we're settling into that apartment together, though. Is that a sign?"

"You mean about Florida?" She leaned her forehead against my shoulder. "I know I'm dragging it out and just need to make a decision. God, I'm sorry. I feel like such a flake. Every time I think I know what the right thing to do is, I get panicky and change my mind."

"Eh. Eh." Ada smacked me on the nose, demanding my attention.

"Yes, Ada?"

She gave me a dribble-filled grin.

"Clever and gorgeous." I smooched on her chubby little cheek until she giggled. "Yes, you are."

"Thank you," yelled Joe from behind the bar because he thought he was funny.

"Shush up."

At that, my brother laughed. Vaughan, sitting at the bar, joined in. Chuckleheads.

"Give me the baby," demanded Nell, appearing at my side and forcibly removing the child from my arms. Though I didn't really fight hard, on account of the fact the woman was huge. I'd told her to go home and get off her feet hours ago, but she wouldn't listen.

Before I knew it, Rosie was there too, crowding me out while they gushed all over the baby. It was hard to blame them. Ada had hit a stage where she would stare right at you for about four seconds, and then her whole face would light up in this radiant smile, as if you were just the best thing ever.

"Come on," I said, taking Jean's hand to lead her to a table over by the bar just in case I was needed. "What do you feel like eating, sweetheart? You hungry?"

"How's things, Jean?" asked Joe.

"Good." Jean smiled. "How are you and Alex doing?"

"Great, yeah." The bearded wonder kept polishing glasses. "We've been talking about lots of things lately. Lots."

Jean just blinked. "Um, great."


"Communication is the bedrock upon which any kind of solid relationship is built," joined in Rosie for some goddamn reason. I really did regret ever seeking wisdom from any of them. "Don't you agree, Eric?"

"Absolutely," I grated out. "Sounds like you've all been talking a lot. Really building those relatio


"Well, we're a family." Nell came closer, rocking Ada in her arms.

"Are we?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Yes," she said. "Even when we disagree almost to the point of violence sometimes."

"Or quite frequently," I corrected. "Can you guys not do this?"

"Not only does it affect us all, but I'm not convinced it's what you want."

"So you read minds now? Seriously, Nell?" I grabbed the edge of the table, trying to stay calm. "It's her choice. You all need to stay out of it."

Nell's chin went up, ginger hair fiery beneath the lights. Guess she might have been on her way home, because her chef's cap was missing. "And because she's my friend, I respect her enough to tell her everything."

Beside me, Jean stirred, leaning closer. "All right you guys, what's going on?"

"Do you love him?" asked Nell, gaze zeroing in on Jean.

She just stared.

"Because he loves you." Nell shifted Ada to her hip, trying to make allowances for the size of her belly. "I honestly never thought I'd live to see the day he put anyone ahead of his own interests. Don't get upset, I'm not out to insult him. It's just the way he's always been ... until you."

Jean tipped her head. "Where are you going with this?"

"Do you love him?"

"It's all right, you don't have to answer that," I said.

"He helped build this place with his hands," said Nell, forging on. Goddammit. "And I'll be the first to admit he's been slack sometimes, being late, going off early. But not anymore, not for a while now. Even when he was driving me nuts, he always put everything into each drink he made. It's like he thinks he's a cocktail wizard or something. I don't know. But slinging drinks is his gift and that over there is his bar."

"Okay," said Jean, her voice quiet.

"I'm asking you to think about staying here and not moving to Florida."

"Shit," I muttered.

"I know you'll miss your folks sometimes. Despite all of the crap they pulled, they're still your parents. It's a given," said Nell. "But let us be your family. We won't let you or Ada down, I promise. We're not temporary and we're not fair weather, we'll be there for you both."

"We will," said Joe. "Just give us a chance to prove it."

"You're all ganging up on her." I rose to my feet, shoving my chair in. "This is not fair."

My brother, Vaughan, Nell, Rosie, and Taka stood around us, forming a circle. I don't know if they'd organized it beforehand, but it was not cool. They were like an out-of-control mob of loving idiots.

Tags: Kylie Scott Dive Bar Erotic