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“I’m yours,” she promised. “Take whatever you want from me.”

I snapped. My hands lifted her until we flipped positions, and I knelt between her spread thighs. Then I attacked her pussy with my tongue and fingers, licking and sucking at her clit while my fingers stroked inside her.

She cried out, arching her back, and I gripped her hips with my free hand, keeping her locked on my face. I licked her to near-orgasm, and then backed off, only to do it again and again. Her moans filled the shower as she writhed under my tongue, her body desperate for what I teased but refused to give.

When she pressed harder, I retreated, and when she groaned in frustration, I put my tongue to her clit and flicked until her hips moved with needy jerks.

“Nathan! Let me come!” she demanded, her hands in my hair.

I would have grinned if I wasn’t so close to the edge myself.

Instead, I stood and ignored the pout she gave me. Her weight was slight in my arms as I lifted her and flipped her to her knees on the bench. Her palms slid along the rock surface of the wall, looking for a place to hold on and coming up empty.

“Harper?” I asked, growling against her ear as my cock pushed at the curve of her ass, her back against my chest. Didn’t matter how many times I took her, I’d never take it for granted.

“Yes!” she shouted, rocking her ass.

I hissed at the contact, sliding the tip of my cock through her slick folds until I nudged her swollen entrance.

“Hold on,” I ordered her, knowing full well there was nothing she could hold onto but me.

As if sensing my thoughts, she leaned back, wrapping a hand around my neck and pulling me into her kiss as I thrust inside her.

“Fuck,” I moaned into her mouth as I seated my cock to the hilt.

“Please,” she begged.

I obliged.

I thrust hard and sure, keeping the deep and slow rhythm steady as I took her again and again, filling her body with mine.

She groaned and whimpered, but couldn’t control my movements, couldn’t so much as fuck me back without leverage. She could only kneel there on that bench and accept how I fucked her, and by the sounds of her cries, she was more than okay with that.

I tweaked her nipple while my tongue claimed her mouth, and she bucked. Her muscles tensed, her body locking in preparation for her orgasm.

I thrust faster, losing myself in her heat, her grip, the euphoria I only found inside her body. When the pressure built in my balls, I slipped my fingers to her clit and gave her exactly what she needed to come.

She screamed my name as her body surrendered, and I went with her, pushing high and deep before I groaned my own release.

I caught her before she fell forward to the stone, kissing her gently.

“You kill me. You know that?” I asked her, slipping free of her tight hold.

“Mmmm,” she answered, rubbing against me like a satisfied kitten.

I cleaned us both, reveling in the way she’d drained my tension.

“I’m worried about the expansion draft, and losing my place with the Sharks. I don’t want a different jersey, and it feels like if Paulson gets his way, all the high salary players will be toast.”

“Okay,” she said softly, rubbing soap over my abdomen.

“And I’m worried that you’ll leave right around that same time, and I can’t stand even thinking about it.” I kissed her forehead as the jets pummeled my back.

“Then don’t think about it,” she answered simply with a soft smile, but I felt her tense.

“Tried that. Didn’t go so well.” My fingers lifted her chin so I could kiss her lips.

“So now isn’t the best time to tell you I have a work trip coming up?”


“I get to go see my potential lab, you know, if I can get this foam right.” She nodded like a kid with a hidden stash of candy.

“Good,” I told her honestly, loving the light in her eyes. “I’m glad you’ll get to see it.”

“And I’m glad you told me what was bothering you.”

“Are you happy that you fucked my bad mood out of me?”

She laughed. “Oh, no. It’s nice and all that you told me what’s bothering you. Really. But when I showed up at your gym, I just wanted to jump you.” She shrugged. “So, mission accomplished?”


She nodded. “Yep. But, good chat. Now you can finish your sulking spa time.” She rose on her tiptoes and kissed the tip of my nose. “Sheesh, you men are so emotionally needy,” she teased with a grin.

She left me laughing in the shower, and sure enough, when I followed her out, my sour mood was gone.

Chapter 16


Nathan: Miss you already, butterfly.

Me: How will you ever survive a home game without me?

Tags: Samantha Whiskey Seattle Sharks Romance