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I stopped her words with my mouth, kissing her gently, keeping my tongue behind my teeth and letting my lips rest against hers for a heartbeat, then two.

“I didn’t come here for you to apologize.” I leaned my forehead against hers and kept my hands firmly on the counter.

“Why did you come here?” There it was, that little spark of hope that reflected in the gold flecks in her eyes.

“Because I’m in love with you, Savannah. I’m pretty sure you could have crushed my heart, danced on it, hooked up with fourteen other guys, trashed me on national television, and I’d still love you. I can’t stop. Trust, me, I tried.”

She blinked. “I would never trash you on national television.”

“But the guys are a possibility?” A corner of my mouth lifted because I knew there was no way. I didn’t need London to confirm, or even Savannah. There hadn’t been anyone else for her just the same as there hadn’t been for me.

“Well, I mean…” She gave me a look of mock innocence and batted her lashes.

“There hasn’t been anyone for you since me,” I said with full confidence. “And even if there had, I’d still love you.”

“How are you so certain?” She cocked a brow at me in a clear challenge.

“About the love? You did your worst, and I’m still here at your door, activating the Charleston professional sports family calling tree to get to you.” I leaned forward slightly, using my hips to pin her to the island.

Her breath caught.

Fuck, we were still electric.

“And how are you so certain about the guys?” Her hands drifted to my neck.

“I made you a promise once.” My voice dropped as I held her gaze. “I told you I’d ruin you for every man you even thought about touching after me, and I followed through. Does it suck that the best of your life was your first? Maybe. But you’re not the kind of woman who needs a comparison. You’ve always been smart enough to know what you have.”

“And do I?” She swiped her tongue over her lower lip, and I bit back a groan. “Do I have you? You’ve never been the man to wait around on a woman to pull her head out of her ass.”

“You tell me.” I grinned and lifted her to the counter so our eyes were level. “Am I still playing the field? Was I out every night chasing the first woman who caught my eye?”

“No.” She shook her head as her fingernails lightly scraped the back of my head. “Because I ruined you, too, didn’t I?” She failed to contain a smile. “Does it suck that the best of your life was also your last? Maybe. But you’re not the kind of guy who needs another comparison.” She threw my words back at me playfully.

“There hasn’t been anyone else,” I confirmed, my voice coming out rougher than I thought possible. “There never will be. You’re it.” I shrugged.

“That’s it?” she teased with a devilish glint in her eyes. “That’s all you’ve got?”

“Challenge accepted.” I splayed my hands over her hips and tugged her to the edge of the counter, splitting her knees so I stood between her thighs. Then I stripped her shirt off, leaving her in a black bra that I wanted to rip away with my teeth. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous.”

“It’s only fair.” She tugged at my shirt, and I helped her get it off. It landed somewhere next to hers.

“You’ve never been one for grand gestures, Savannah.” I kissed her jaw, then worked my way down her neck when her head rolled back. “You’ve always preferred the private to the public. I thought about the jumbotron, or some huge spectacle at tomorrow’s game, but that wouldn’t win you over.”

She gasped as I sucked at the patch of skin where her shoulder met her neck. “And…what would?”

“Complete and total transparency. Honesty.” I flicked open the clasp of her bra, and slipped it off her arms, then dropped it on the hardwood.

“Go on?”

“I propose we amend our original deal.” I cupped her breasts and stroked my thumbs over her nipples, then pressed my dick against the cabinetry when she moaned. Fuck, I needed her. I’d have her, too, but not until this was settled.

“How so?” Her hands trailed down my chest, then traced the line of my abs. I tensed and grabbed onto my willpower for all it was worth.

“First rule was that I make the rules.” I gave her a cocky grin. “I actually like that one.”

“It goes.” She raised a single brow and flicked open the button of my shorts.

“Fine, we both make the rules—” I hissed when she reached beneath my waistband and wrapped her fingers around my cock. “Savannah. Butterfly, you have to give me a second.”

“We both make the rules,” she teased, squeezing me just the way I liked.

Tags: Samantha Whiskey Raleigh Raptors Romance