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I release a nervous laugh as he opens the box and a beautiful diamond engagement ring glints in the light. One large square diamond sits in the center with several smaller diamonds forming an infinity on either side. It reminds me of the ring he gave me when he was overseas.

He plucks the ring out and sets the box on the table. “The first time I married I was young and didn’t understand what it fully meant to be married. I was helping out a friend. I don’t regret it because at the time, it was what we both needed. I loved her, but it was different than the way I love you. Until you, I didn’t know there were different kinds of love.” His indigo eyes meet mine. “I know when you married Ian it was supposed to be forever…”

I clutch my hands to my chest, willing myself not to cry.

“And if I could bring him back, I would. Just so you would never spend a single day being heartbroken.”

Tears well up in my eyes as I listen to his admission.

“But I can’t,” he continues. “And while I hate what happened to him, I’ll always be thankful, that through something so heartbreaking and tragic, you came into my life. Those two weeks on the beach with you changed everything for me. My heart had never felt so damn full.”

I can feel my broken heart heal. With every word he speaks, he’s slowly healing me. Piece by piece, word by word, he’s putting it back together.

“And then you did something I wasn’t expecting,” he says. “You gave me our son, and the love in my heart spilled over. I’m in love with you, Micaela, and all I want in this world is to spend my life with you. Will you marry me?”

I don’t have to think about it. Everything he said, I was thinking—feeling. There’s nothing I want more than to spend my life with Ryan. To be loved and cherished and adored by him.

“Yes,” I choke out. “Yes, I will marry you.”

The most breathtaking grin spreads across his face, as he pushes the ring onto the third finger on my left hand. Then he stands and takes me into his arms, lifting and twirling me in a circle, kissing me hard.

The waitress returns with our cake, but Ryan asks her to box it up, so we can eat it at home. I can see the glint in his eyes—he wants to celebrate our engagement in private, and I’m totally onboard with that.

We’re barely through the door of the limo before Ryan and I are attacking each other. I pull my dress up to my hips at the same time he unbuttons, unzips, and yanks his pants halfway down his muscular thighs. His dick juts out, swollen and ready. Neither of us wastes any time, guiding me onto his hard length.

“Jesus fuck,” he groans. “I can’t believe I get to spend the rest of my life buried deep inside you.” His mouth crashes against mine, devouring me as he fucks me from the bottom. His thumb massages my clit, giving it the perfect amount of pressure to set me off. We both come at nearly the same time, hard and fast, clinging to one another like we’re each other’s life lines.

When our breathing has calmed down, Ryan lifts me so I’m back on the bench. Taking a wet napkin, he wipes up my center so I’m not dripping with his cum. After he cleans himself up, he presses the intercom and tells the driver he can take us home. It’s then I remember where we are…

“It’s a privacy window,” Ryan says, answering the question I haven’t yet voiced. “He couldn’t hear anything.”

“Can we go get RJ?” I ask, looking up at him as I snuggle against his side.

“Damn, woman, so it’s like that, huh? You have your way with me and then throw me to the side?” He smirks playfully, and my insides warm.

“Yeah, it’s only eight thirty,” he says, glancing at his watch. “We can go get him. Are Lexi and Georgia spending the night?”

“No, they went home. I said bye to them before you picked me up.”

After the driver drops us off at our house, we go inside and change and then head over to my parents’ place to pick up RJ. My mom had texted he’s close to falling asleep but is still awake for the moment.

When we walk inside, my mom’s gaze goes straight to my left hand. “Let me see!” she gushes, grabbing my fingers and bringing them up in front of her face. “Oh, Ryan.” She sighs. “You did good.” I figured she knew what was going to go down since she’s the reason I was pampered today.

“Congratulations, Son,” Dad says, stepping into the room with RJ in his arms.

Tags: Nikki Ash Finding Love Romance