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He can’t make any promises, my ass. This is the definition of promise. That he’ll be home in time to go on this cruise with me. I try not to get too excited, but deep down, I’m squealing, and for the first time since he left, I’m feeling like maybe this story will have a different ending than the one with Ian.

I smile to myself at the memory of all the packages. With Ryan coming home in a little over a week, this has to be the last package. I find the note and read it.


I saw this bracelet and thought of our time together on Balboa Island. I can’t wait to be home so we can make new memories. I know I said no promises, but it’s time to make them now. I’m heading home this week, and I’m coming for you, baby. So, be ready. Because I have months of missing you to make up for.

Xo Ryan

I grab my phone to text Ryan and see there’s a text from him. Caught up in my memories, I must not have heard it.

Ryan: Packed and ready to get the hell out of here. Another compound is having a mechanical issue, so my squad and I are heading up there before we leave. It doesn’t have service like I do here, since it’s at a higher altitude, so if you don’t hear from me, don’t freak out. I’ll text when I can. Give RJ a kiss from me. Love you and see you soon.

Even though there’s a chance he won’t get it, I still send him a text back.

Me: Thank you for the bracelet. I love it and can’t wait to make memories with you. I love you and I’ll see you soon. Be safe. xo

It’s the first time I’ve texted the words, and I almost consider deleting them, but the truth is I mean them, and once Ryan is home with RJ and me where he belongs, I’m going to say them in person.

And that’s when it hits me, Ryan is coming home. We made it. And an idea strikes. I’ve put off moving into the house he bought for me, afraid of living in it alone, but now that he’s coming home, I want to move in. He mentioned on a couple different occasions that he would love for the three of us to live together. He’s given me all these gifts. What better gift for him than to be living in the home when he gets here. I can get his stuff from the guesthouse and have my dad and Bentley help me move everything in so it’s ready when Ryan gets home next week.

“C’mon, little guy,” I say to RJ, who is crumpling the wrapping paper in his fists. “Your daddy will be home soon. Let’s go make sure he has the perfect home to return to.”


“Fuck, I’m ready to go home,” Julian, one of the guys in my squad, complains, handing me the electrical wiring. “My daughter’s birthday is next week and I had my wife book us a trip to Disney.” It’s been four days since we got here. With the outpost located at an altitude of fifteen thousand feet, it’s extremely remote. While we can communicate with command, our personal electronics and internet don’t work at all up here. I can’t imagine having had to spend the last four months without talking to Micaela and RJ. No pictures or videos, no texts. I would’ve gone mad.

“Maddy wants to visit every princess there is,” Julian adds with a sigh.

I smile at him and continue to fix the frayed wire to the sensor, imagining what it will be like when RJ is old enough to go on trips, like to Disney. My parents used to take my sisters and me all the time. We would spend hours waiting in the long lines to go on every ride and they would always buy us ice cream to eat while we waited so we wouldn’t complain. I can’t wait to experience everything with RJ as his dad.

“Hey, Cruz,” Sergio, another guy from my squad, calls over. “The motion detectors are acting up.”

“Did you check the—”

Before I can finish my sentence, a howling scream with a violent explosion crashes near me. The violence of the shock rattles me, and I’m instantly on the ground, screaming, “Incoming!” But I can’t hear my own voice.

I look up and see flashes of fire spitting from the barrel of the .50 cal in the guard tower. I feel the vibrations in my chest as more explosions flash all around me. Only one thought propels me as I sprint to my weapon and body armor: I’ll be fucking damned if I made it this far, only to not make it home to Micaela and RJ.

Tags: Nikki Ash Finding Love Romance