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Maddox’s hand slowly slid up the outside of my calves, up my thighs… and…

I squirmed, my voice gone and the fight leaving me. He was meticulously slow, dragging out the suspense and forcing me to feel him.

Inch by inch, his hand slid upward, his touch scorching my flesh as he continued toward my center.

His slightly calloused palm felt rough against my sensitive skin, but his touch was… so light, he was barely touching me. Teasing and tempting.

Driving… me… crazy.

My heart thudded so hard I thought it would spill out of my chest. His fingers brushed against my folds, a soft touch, but I quivered in response.

“You’re red and swollen,” he rasped, his voice thick and hard. His fingers spread me open, still ever so gentle. Maddox tsked, the side of his lips quirking up in approval. “… and wet.”

“What… are you doing?” I questioned, slightly breathless.

His chest rumbled with a low growl. “Having my breakfast. You can’t deny a starving man, Baby, and last night, I built up quite the appetite.”

Goosebumps peppered my flesh, and my core tightened as Maddox lowered his head between my thighs. Maddox wasn’t the first man to go down on me, but he was the first one to take his sweet time. To stare at my body like he was about devour me, and it still wouldn’t be enough for him.

I ached.

I didn’t know I could feel this way, this intense… fierce need inside of me. Desire pooled in the pit of my stomach, and my arousal leaked out of me. The moment his mouth was on me, my body tightened, and I felt a rush of wetness between my thighs. Holy shit!

Maddox took his time, lapping at my pussy leisurely. He dragged his tongue over my wet folds, before circling around my clit. “Maddox,” I choked, my thighs shaking. A whimper left my lips before I could stop myself, and my hands went to the top of his head in frantic need. My fingers gripped his hair, pulling him closer and silently demanding more.

Fire licked through my veins, and my eyes fluttered close. Maddox was killing me.

It would be a sweet, torturous death.

His touch was both tormenting and heavenly.

“Maddox,” I breathed.

His tongue slid over my folds, and his teeth grazed my swollen clit. My back arched off the sofa, and my thighs tightened around his head. He sucked and lapped, licking every inch of me, until my whimpers rang like desperate pleas.

I wasn’t prepared for it, when he shoved a finger inside of me, but I clenched around the hard intrusion. Seeking for more… needing more…

It hurt so good.

“Oh God!” I cried out, as he thrust his finger in and out, his tongue simultaneously working my pussy like his favorite meal. I guessed… I was.

“Ma – Maddox… Please…”

My stomach tightened, my thighs quivered, and the muscles of my calves were cramping, as I grew closer to my release. I climbed higher on the cliff, writhing and crying out, but Maddox didn’t let me fall.

I throbbed, an intense beat that match my thudding heart.

I bit down on my lip, shaking, choking on my moans and on the precipice of orgasm. He dragged my pleasure out.

I just needed…

Just… oh…

The same moment he thrust two fingers inside of me, his teeth grazed my clit, a small bite that left a sharp sting behind. I bucked against his mouth and fingers, my lips parting with a cry.

I had not finished orgasming, before he was starting all over again.

“No…” I gasped, still sensitive and shaking with my orgasm. “Wait.”

Maddox growled between my thighs – a warning – and went back to lapping up my wetness, sucking and licking. This time, there was nothing slow and sweet about it.

The first orgasm was for me. This one was for him.

His tongue ravaged me.

His fingers didn’t stop their torturous ministrations, thrusting and twisting inside of me. There was nothing gentle as he fingered me.

Maddox was a mad man on a mission.

Molten desire, strong and lustful, coursed through my veins at the sounds coming from his throat as he tasted me, like a starved man, who would never ever get enough of me. His deep, primal groans were as sinful as the sound of my wet pussy – oh fuck!

My hips jerked, and his fingers bit into my thighs, leaving their marks there. His bruising grip was almost painful, but my muddled brain didn’t seem to care one bit.


My hips moved with his fingers, jerking and grinding against his face. Right there… right. fucking. there. I heard him groan my name against my tender sex as pleasure spiked through me, and my back bowed.

No, don’t stop.

“Maddox… Maddox!”

My second orgasm threw me over the edge, and a loud moan spilled past my lips. My eyes rolled back into my head, as he gave my hypersensitive pussy one last lick.

Tags: Lylah James Truth And Dare Duet Romance