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“It’s only been a week. You don’t have to find all the answers right now, although I know it will probably drive you insane if you don’t solve every damn thing life throws your way.” Kao takes a breath, then continues, “If you want my advice, just hang out with her. If the feelings continue to grow, then go for it. If you don’t fall in love with her, the worst that can happen is you’ll become friends. You can’t keep treating her like an annoying kid. That shit is going to get you on the wrong side of Jase.”

Kao’s right. It’s only a matter of time before this thing starts to affect everyone around us, and I’m not one for drama.

“What if I’m friendly with Carla, and she takes it the wrong way?” I voice my biggest worry.

“Then you sit her down and have a conversation with her. Tell her how you feel, and respect how she feels. I think it’s about time that conversation happened. You can’t just swat Carla away as if she’s a fly. She’s one of us and deserves more than that.”

“Me… have a conversation?” I let out a chuckle. “You know I suck at talking to people.”

“Pretend you’re talking to me,” Kao says.

I give him a scowl. “Yeah, I don’t think that’s going to work. You understand me.”

“Just try, Noah. If you can’t communicate with her and things get bad, then I’ll talk to her. Okay?”

I let out a sigh. “Yeah, okay.” Giving Kao a smile, I say, “Thanks for listening.”

“Always.” Kao nods his head toward the house. “Let’s get in there before Fallon asks where we are. She has us on a tight schedule.”

I let out a burst of laughter as we climb out of the car, and we each grab a box from the U-haul trailer.

Walking toward the house, I decide to take Kao’s advice. After all, he is the one with a successful relationship. I’ll be friendly with Carla and see where things go. If I keep feeling awkward, I’ll tell her I only want to be friends. But if these emotions keep growing… My mind comes to a screeching halt.

One step at a time, Noah. First, try to be friends with her.

When we enter the living room, we find the girls sitting amongst boxes. Carla looks up, and the second her gaze lands on me, she impersonates a scene from Tangled, “Whoa! Somebody get me a glass. Cause I just found me a tall drink of water.”

Even I have to admit she’s really good with doing impersonations. I let out a chuckle, and shaking my head, I place the box by the others.


What just happened?

My mouth drops open, and stunned, I stare at the smile on Noah’s face.

Where’s the scowl? Where’s the glare of death?

Maybe he’s just being nice because everyone else is here?

Yeah, that’s probably it. Don’t read anything into a simple smile.

I continue to unwrap Fallon’s collection of gemstones, then I ask, “Where are you going to put all of these?”

“I have a crystal vase somewhere. I’ll just chuck them all in there.”

“This vase?” Hana, who’s Fallon’s best friend, says as she holds it up.

“Yeah, pass it to Carla.”

I take the vase and carefully drop the gemstones inside.

Kao comes back into the living room with Noah right behind him, and they set down the boxes in their arms. Then Kao’s gaze rests lovingly on Fallon. “Babe, you still want me to go get pizzas and beer for when we're done unpacking?”

“Yes.” She climbs to her feet and goes to give him a kiss. “We’ll be done in an hour.”

Kao presses another kiss to her lips. “Anything else we can get while we’re out?”

“Maybe some wine?” I ask. “I struggle with beer.”

“What kind?” Noah asks, and again I can only stare. He tilts his head. “Carla, which wine do you like?”

“Ahh…” I gape like a fish because he’s actually talking to me of his own free will. I finally manage to gather my shocked self enough to answer, “Semi-sweet white, please.”

When he nods, I ask, “You’re not going to give me hell for being too young to drink?”

Noah shrugs. “It’s not my place. Besides, it’s no different than Fallon having a beer.”

Whoaaaaa? What the…? Huh?

I’m still stunned out of my mind when the guys leave.

“Are you okay?” Fallon suddenly asks, yanking me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah, just confused. Noah’s never nice to me.”

“What do you mean he’s never nice to you?” she asks, a frown forming on her forehead.

It’s just us girls, and deciding to tell them what happened three years ago, I say, “I had a crush on Noah way back, and he shot me down. Since then, we’ve been… let’s just say Noah does his best to keep me at a distance.”

“Why didn’t any of us know this?” Fallon asks, glancing at Hana, Jade, and Mila.

Tags: Michelle Heard The Heirs Romance