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Mal: I'll see you at eleven.

Lacey: Right. See you tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning.

At Mal's place.

No big deal.

Not at all a big deal.

The next morning, I slip back into my routine. I brush my teeth. I throw on my workout clothes. I head to the gym. I sweat through my routine.

I shower and dress and eat breakfast and attempt to think about anything but the fact that I'm going to be alone in Mal's house in an hour and change.

Everything is ready on my laptop. My leather wedges/pink sundress outfit is cute and professional.

I do one last check of my stuff. It's all here: bikini, wallet, cell, laptop, notebook, pens.


It's not here.

It's still at Adam's place.


I bite my tongue. Either I stop by on the way to Mal's place or I show up without it. I don't need the camera and Adam's place is the wrong direction. It would be easier to pick this stuff up Monday, after work.

Or to write it off completely.

Only I can't afford that.

And I want to play with it today, to see if it's good enough or if we'll have to rent something.

Okay. No thinking. I can't talk myself out of it.

I pull out my cell and dial.

Adam answers right away. "Lacey, how are you?"

The longing in his voice guts me.

I press my lips together. "Okay, you?"

"I've been better." He lets out a soft sigh.

"You mind if I stop by to pick up my camera equipment?"

"Hot date?"

My laugh is impossibly nervous. "Just the extra gig." I press my fingers into the back of my cell. Every ounce of my being begs me to hang the phone up. I can feel his heart breaking again and again. "It should still be in the closet."

"I'll check." His voice gets soft. "Lacey, I—"

No, no, no. That tone means he's about to say I miss you. I still love you. I want you back.

"I have a meeting. I can't talk. Will you be home in half an hour?"

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Dangerous Noise Erotic