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Fiona flushes red. She stumbles over her words. "I only want to help him protect himself."

"And how did that prenup work for you?" Meryl asks.

"That's different. He had more money," Fiona says.

"I am signing a prenup." I try my most confident voice. "It was my idea. I don't want Blake thinking I'm in this for his money. I may be young, but I'm not naive. I know marriage doesn't always work out. I'd rather we have these details ironed out now than later."

Meryl stares at me the way Blake does. She picks me apart, assessing the weight of every single word. "You're a fool, sweetie, but an admirable one."

I smooth my dress. "Thank you. I think."

She laughs. "It's a compliment." She looks to Blake and Fiona. "My kids, they don't get it. They think marriage is about protecting your assets. It's not. It's about finding a partner who will hold you up when you need that. It's about finding someone who you need by your side. Someone who will support you."

I swallow hard. Marriage should be all those things. It should be everything.

Right on cue, Trey walks into the room. "Fi-fi, sweetie, I have to go."

Meryl shoots Fiona a see look.

Fiona frowns. "Can't you stay for dinner?"

He leans in to plant a kiss on her check. "I wish I could, but this is an emergency." He looks to Meryl. "Meryl—"

"Don’t bother." She shakes her head. "This is the example I set for you. Hell, at least you're leaving."

Somehow, this doesn't hurt Trey.

He looks to Fiona and whispers something. She narrows her eyes and furrows her brow.

Trey stands and takes a step towards the door. "I'm sorry, Meryl. I'll see you next week."

Meryl clears her throat. "Have a safe drive."

Trey kisses Fiona goodbye and steps out of the room. Everyone is quiet until the door slams shut and a car outside turns on.

Fiona addresses Meryl. "He's trying to be supportive."

"He's an asshole."

"So was Dad."

Meryl lets out a heavy sigh. She stares at her wineglass like it holds all the secrets of the universe. "If you do this to Kat, I swear to God…" She looks at me. "Some family to marry into."

I swallow hard. "Blake is sweet."

Meryl makes eye contact with him but speaks to me. "This is what money gets you—the pursuit of more money."

"I'm not like Trey. And Kat isn't like Fiona," Blake says.

"Fuck you." Fiona folds her arms.

"Not everything is an insult," Blake says.

They exchange hostile looks. There's something knowing about it. Like there's no way for them to let anyone else in.

They seem to hate each other and love each other in equal measures.

Meryl's voice softens. She offers Fiona her hand. "You didn't know better, sweetie. You were just a kid."

Fiona pulls her hand into her lap. "I was nineteen."

"Exactly. You're better off without him," Meryl says.

"With nothing," Fiona says.

Meryl looks to Fiona. To Blake. Neither one of them is willing to challenge her. Something about her expression makes them stand down.

Meryl shakes her head. "What is with you two? Why is it always money? There's more to life than that."

Under the table, Blake squeezes my hand. He looks at me as if to ask are you okay?

I nod yes. I'm okay enough.

The room goes quiet. It makes the air heavy. I guess Blake and Fiona agree that everything is about money.

It's kind of sad.

I've never pitied rich people before. Not even for a second. Being broke sucks.

But it makes you appreciate what you have.

I have a best friend. Someone I love unconditionally, who is always going to be on my side.

I wouldn't trade my relationship with Lizzy for all of Blake and Fiona's money.

Fiona plays with her food. She looks to Blake and adopts her best sisterly voice. "Three and a half weeks is awfully fast."

Something passes between Meryl and Blake. Damn. This whole family has some kind of crazy telepathic power.

"We don't want to wait," Blake says.

Meryl looks at me as if to confirm. "Is that right?"

"It was my idea," I say. "I'm insistent about marrying under the cherry trees, and I don't want to wait another year."

Her expression softens. "I see."

"I'm very sentimental about them. It's always been a family tradition. Well, I don't want to bore you."

"And your family approves?" she asks.

"It's just me and my sister. My parents were in an accident a few years ago. They passed on." I press my lips together. I don't like thinking about it. It gets too many feelings whirring in my chest, and I don't have time to stop and feel them.

Or I didn't.

I guess I do now.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart," Meryl says.

"Thank you." I nod.

"You'll need help with the wedding," Meryl says. Her voice is packed with understanding. "How about I handle the reception? Just pick a color."

It's a sweet offer. "Pink."

Meryl smiles. "A girl after my own heart."

The kitchen timer rings. Meryl presses her hands into the table, but she struggles to stand.

Blake rushes to help her. She shakes her head like she can't stand the fuss.

"I'll get it," Blake says.

He motions to Fiona, another sibling secret. Whatever it is, it works. Fiona excuses herself and they put together dinner in the kitchen.

"Let them fuss," Meryl says. "Tell me, what do you like to do for fun?"

"Typical stuff. Movies, TV, hanging out with my sister."

"What about the stuff that isn't typical?"

I play with the hem of my dress. "I ran cross-country in high school, but I haven't kept up with it very well."

She looks at her glass wistfully. "Never cared much for running myself."

I nod. "Are you okay?"

"Fine. What about when you want to relax? After a run? You don't strike me as one of those girls who is mostly interested in parties and shopping. Though I did enjoy both in my day."

"I draw." I make my voice confident. I'm about to marry the woman's son. I need to seem like a strong, independent woman. Someone worthy of him. "I've been thinking about art school."

"Excellent. Art school. Yes, that w

ould suit you. You'll have to stay in the dorms and drive Blake mad forcing him to visit."

"That would get him out of the office."

She smiles, but it's not the same as before. She doesn't quite have her strength.

Blake and Fiona finish setting the table. They bring in dinner on thick ceramic plates. It's homemade, a pot roast and side salads dressed with a dark vinaigrette.

"Thank you," I say to no one in particular.

I take Blake's lead when everyone starts eating.

Meryl picks at her salad. Fiona stares at her food like it bores her. I can't imagine she has much of an appetite after her husband's remarkable show of apathy.

She turns her attention to me. "Can I see the ring?"

"Oh. Sure." I place my hand over the table like I'm modeling the enormous rock. "It's beautiful."

"Tiffany?" Fiona asks.

Blake shoots her a shut up look.

"It looks expensive." She glances at her smaller but still impressive wedding ring.

"Don't be tacky," Meryl says.

"I'm admiring my future sister-in-law's jewelry." Fiona huffs. She squeezes her hands together like she's trying to stay calm. "Am I not allowed an interest in jewelry either?"

"What did I ever do to raise two children who care so much about status?" Meryl shakes her head. "What the hell are you going to do when I'm not here? You'll drown yourselves in your fucking money."

"Mom, that's not true," Fiona says.

Meryl pushes her plate aside. "Excuse me. I need some air."

Blake makes a move to follow her.

"Sit down. I'm fine. My only problem is the two of you. Finish your dinner, and clean up after yourselves. I know you both have people who do that for you at home." Her eyes turn down. The energy drains from her expression. "Have dessert and coffee without me."

"Mom." Fiona's voice breaks into a whine. "It's cold out."

"I grew up here. This is nothing. Please, let your poor mother have a chance to be alone." She grabs her coat off the rack and walks up the stairs.

For once, I can perfectly read the look on Blake's face. He's terrified.

Chapter 16

Fiona excuses herself the second she's finished eating. She sulks on the balcony, speaking into her cell phone with hushed tones.

It's almost romantic, finishing dinner with Blake. He refills my drink as soon as I'm done. He offers me seconds of everything. He anticipates my needs before I even feel them.

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Dirty Rich Erotic