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Not that she was going to be wearing either long.

The shoes, though, would stay. He’d already decided that after the first night. Brock unhooked her bra and tossed it aside. Then he just looked at her, watching her nipples pebble and her breath hitch.

“If you could see the way you’re looking at me right now…”

He brushed his thumb against her nipple and along the underside of her breast. “How’s that?”

“I don’t have the words.”

That spoke volumes. Regan always had words. He cupped her breasts, enjoying the feeling of them filling his hands, and then followed the line of her sides down to her panties. Part of him wanted to draw this out and just enjoy touching her, but he felt like he’d been waiting forever to get her into his bed. “Lose these. Leave the heels.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” She climbed off him and stood at the edge of the bed to slide them down her legs.

He pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it on the growing pile of clothes. Her gaze fastened onto his chest, and he could almost feel the stroke down to the fly of his jeans. Jesus. Brock stood and pulled them off, leaving him standing as naked as she was.

“It’s really not fair how amazing your body is.” She reached out a shaking hand to touch first his arm, then his chest, then down his stomach. “Not even a little bit.”

“Come here.”

Her eyes drifted closed as he wrapped his arms around her back and kissed her, trying to put the whirlwind of emotions he felt into the way his tongue stroked along hers, his hands digging into her hips, the moan he couldn’t hold back when she reached between them to touch him.

But she wasn’t getting away with guiding things—not after the last few times.

With a grin, he tumbled her back onto the bed, earning a laugh. Even sprawled out, with her hair everywhere, she was a study in perfection. Regan pushed her hair out of her face. “Tease.”

She had no idea. He slid down her body, taking his time exploring her, the curve of her hips, her toned ass, and those legs. Christ, her legs were enough to bring a man to his knees. He stroked her from hip to ankle once, twice, three times, until she was shaking from the near innocent touch.

“These fucking shoes. You know, I used to be a boob man, but I think you’ve ruined me.”

“Told you so.”

He took an ankle in each hand and spread her legs slowly, until she was completely exposed to him. She didn’t fight, didn’t argue, didn’t do anything but arch her back a little to give him a better view. “You’re going to keep these on.” He knew he’d said it before, but Brock couldn’t get over the image of her naked except for these goddamn pink heels. It was one that would be permanently imprinted on his mind.


He moved back up to settle between her thighs. She was already so wet for him, he nearly groaned as he explored her with his fingers, paying close attention to what made her catch her breath and moan. Finally, the temptation was too much. He leaned down and dragged his tongue over her. Her entire body went taut, but there was no finesse or teasing now. He wanted to feel her come against his mouth and he wanted it now.

Chapter Fifteen

Regan nearly thrashed them both off the bed at the first contact his tongue made. Brock’s growling laugh against her heated flesh didn’t do a damn thing to calm her racing heart—neither did his hands pinning her hips to the mattress. Had she thought she was lost the first time they kissed? This was being lost.

She never wanted to be found.

The next lick nearly sent her to the moon. Her reactions were almost embarrassing, but she couldn’t stop the sounds coming out of her mouth. She hadn’t let anyone close enough to do this in a really long time, and it was painfully obvious that her body had missed the lack. Even more, this was Brock. Everything this man did to her made her crazy.

He sucked her clit into his mouth, laying his teeth against her. Before she could register the shift, he had her pinned with one forearm across her lower stomach, freeing up his other hand to… “Oh my God.”

He stroked her with two fingers while his mouth worked her clit, the contrasting sensations nearly too much to handle. She couldn’t stop her hips from trying to move with him, and his sound of appreciation only spurred her on. The pressure built, leaving her feeling as if she were frantically chasing something just out of reach.

Then Brock twisted his fingers and sent the world crashing down inside her. Even as she dug her fingers into his hair, she wasn’t sure if it was to hold on to him while she was losing every bit of herself, or to keep him doing that thing with his tongue. He gentled his movements, switching to long licks, almost as if he was savoring her taste.

His next words confirmed it. “Like I said—sweet.”

Regan’s reply was lost as he moved up her body, pausing to nip her hip bone and flick first one nipple and then the other with his tongue. When it seemed like he was all too content to play with her breasts, she gripped his hair and pulled him up into a kiss. She tasted herself, but that was swept away with the feeling of his hands on her as he settled between her thighs.

Brock drew away enough to say, “Condom.”

She nodded because she was so damn glad he was thinking about safety. All she could focus on was getting him inside her as quickly as possible. He was back before she had time to miss his warmth, condom in place. She half expected him to slam into her, but he hadn’t been joking when he said this would be on his terms.

As she wrapped her legs around his waist, he pushed against her, his cock sliding over her clit. It wouldn’t take much to change the angle, and knowing that only heightened the sensation of him sliding against her.

“You are so fucking wet.”

“For you.” The words slipped out, baring her soul for him the same way she’d bared her body.

From the way he stopped moving, he knew it, too. Brock propped himself on his elbows and looked down at her. There it was again, the vulnerability that had made her back away after they had sex in the truck. Well, she wasn’t going anywhere now. She cupped his face, meeting those endless dark eyes, and gave him everything. “Only you.”

He reclaimed her mouth as he slid slowly into her, taking his time despite the way she tried to arch to pull him deeper. She actually cried out when his hips finally met hers, the full feeling washing over her.

But he didn’t move.

She grabbed his shoulders and tried to wiggle or arch or something, but he had her well and truly pinned. “Brock.”

“Yes.” He leisurely kissed her neck, as if he had all the time in the world and she wasn’t in danger of coming apart around him.

“I need you to start moving.”

“Not yet.”

Her desperation built with every second he spent kissing her and driving her crazy by making her wait. She finally got enough leverage to slide, just a little, and that tiny movement already had sparks building behind her eyes. Right when she was teetering on the edge of oblivion, he moved.

Again, it wasn’t what she expected.

He pulled out of her almost completely, and then started the slow slide into her again. She thought she might die from needing more, but that smooth movement seemed to drag him over all the right places. Then he tilted his hips and she buried her face in his neck and she screamed his name.

Up until this point, Regan felt pretty secure in her orgasms. They were great, they got the job done, and sometimes her head even spun a little.

This one blew all of them out of the water.

She blinked up at Brock, trying to make her mouth work long enough to say…something. It was a lost cause. She could barely string two thoughts together, let alone clearly convey exactly what she was feeling in that moment.

“We’re not done yet, Regan.” He pulled out of her and flipped her onto her stomach. Having him at her back, his hands urging her up onto her hands and knees, made her whimper. She wasn’t sure she had it in her to go again.

But then he was pushing into her, and she decided she could take a whole lot more if it meant him touching her like this. And now, finally, he slammed into her, taking her breath away. She started moving in counterpoint, pushing back as he shoved forward, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh filling the room even as the pressure once again began building inside her.

“Oh my God.” Not again. She couldn’t handle another one.

He leaned forward and pushed her shoulders down, leaving her with her ass in the air and completely at his mercy. The new angle was nearly painful, but that feeling was what sent her spiraling. “Brock.”

His grip on her hips tightened as he slammed into her one last time. He cursed. “Holy shit.” She shuddered, so overcome that she couldn’t manage more than that. He collapsed next to her, leaning over to kiss her forehead before lying flat on his back. “That was something.”

“Yeah.” She wasn’t sure what else there was to say, except she was a freaking idiot for waiting this long to hand over the reins. Maybe if she’d stopped fighting herself back at the scavenger hunt she could have spent every night getting her mind blown by this sexy beast.

Tags: Katee Robert Erotic