Page 48 of Reclaimed

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Sabrina’s smile disappeared, and she pouted as they snickered at her expense. She sat back to stare out the window at the scenery speeding by.


When they arrived home, Marie winked as she got out of the car. “I’m in need of a bath in your huge tub, so I’m heading straight up. Have a good night, Sabrina. And nice meeting you, Isaac.”

“Nice meeting you, too, Marie,” Isaac said.

“Night, Marie. I’ll be inside in a minute.” Sabrina smiled at her sister, who walked to the door and unlocked it. As soon as the door closed, she launched herself into Isaac’s waiting arms. He clutched her to his chest and, in an abrupt movement, swung her in a full circle faster than humanly possible.

Oh, right. He wasn’t human.

She grasped his shoulders and yelped. He chuckled and gripped her hair, giving it a gentle tug so her head tilted toward the starless sky. Her gaze collided with his, and for the first time, she let the love she felt for him show. He drew in a shaky breath, and his eyes darkened.

Unable to resist the temptation any longer, she put her hand behind his neck and tugged until his lips touched hers. Once she felt his breath fanning her lips, she kissed him explosively. Her tongue entered his mouth in a bold movement, and she relished the moan she got in return. Longing shot through her body like molten lava, and, God, she burned. Of its own accord, her hand explored his taut body, her fingers trailing across his chest and down his abdomen. She hesitated at his belt buckle before she slid her hand lower to cup his erection. His penis had grown hard, and freaking huge. He pressed against her in encouragement, and she massaged him and let out a breathy moan.

He groaned and moved against her, no longer content to stay still as she had her way. He grabbed her hips and leaned her against the door, wrapping her legs around his hips and pressing against her core in need. She dug her nails into his shoulders, demanding more from him.

She whimpered when he tore his lips away from hers, and he made a tortured sound that sounded inhumane.

“Damn, Sabrina, you pick the most inconvenient times to get bold,” he teased. His voice sounded husky, and it made her want him even more, if possible.


But, unfortunately, he had a point. They couldn’t make love on the doorstep while her sister sat inside.

“Sorry,” she muttered.

“Me, too. That you had to stop, that is. We could go to my place,” he suggested.

Hmm. Tempting.

She’d like nothing more than to go to his house, but knew she shouldn’t. Her sister would leave after tonight, and she needed to exercise some control.

“I can’t. I should stay with Marie,” she said. Regret rang loud and clear in her words, and wind whipped her hair in front of her eyes when he sighed in return. She pushed it away and chuckled. He’d enjoyed himself, if the wind gave any indication.

“Yeah, you’re right,” he agreed. Yet, even as he did so, he sighed so dramatically that even Marie would be impressed. “Plus, I still have work to do. I have to keep you frail humans safe from the big, bad monsters of the world,” he teased. She removed her legs from his waist, and he pulled her against his chest, apparently not ready to let go just yet. His erection pressed against her, and she shivered. The wind whipped around them as she clung to his shirt.

He must have mistaken her shiver for fear, instead of desire, for he soothed, “Don’t worry. I’m under control now. And no one’s here, just us.”

“Did you find Louisa? Or Elijah?”

“I know Elijah’s been nearby. I can sense his presence. While hunting Louisa, I found his scent, too. So I think he chased after Louisa, or vice versa. He must have been trying to stop her from harming you. They met up in the forest a few days ago, appeared to have had a fight and separated. I’m not sure where she went, but Elijah headed back this way. I have a gut feeling he’s nearby, though. Have you had any dreams?”

“No, none. Just normal dreams. No Elijah or Louisa.”

His muscles relaxed under her cheek as he sighed. “Good. I hope it stays that way.”

“So, what are you doing tonight?”

“I think I’m going to scout around a bit more, see if I can’t pick up a new trail. I’d like to catch up to Louisa.” Eagerness added a lift to his words, like a little boy looking forward to his favorite TV show.


“Can’t you just go to bed and watch a movie?” She rolled her eyes heavenward.

His chest shook at his silent laughter. “Sorry, but I do have to do my job. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. I’m more worried about you.”

Tags: Diane Alberts Paranormal