Page 35 of Reclaimed

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He didn’t give chase.


Isaac studied the mongrel as it followed Sabrina’s scent. Thunder crashed above even though the sun beat down on his th

ick fur. Sabrina adored being outdoors, much like Amelia had, and could easily stumble upon this monstrosity and become its meal. She’d stand no chance against the thing as it jumped on her, gnawing her limbs from her body.

He leapt on the unsuspecting beast in sheer fury. How dare he hunt Sabrina?

He wasted no time dismembering the creature, devouring the chunks whole. He swallowed a paw before pausing to break the leg bones using his massive teeth. Once only the torso remained, he slowed his pace.

The tender muscle always tasted the best, and he savored the flavor of his enemy. To kill a mongrel, one must eat every last piece, or else they’d simply regenerate. Afterward, he lounged in the sunlight. Shifting too soon after a meal would give him a hell of a stomachache, so he forced himself to enjoy the feel of the breeze ruffling his fur.

When he had become an Enforcer, his stomach and mind had rebelled against the very nature of the mongrels, more so than any other monster. He had to eat the creatures, bones and all. But during his first battle, he’d discovered he thought like a mongrel when in their form, and therefore could enjoy the task. In human form, however, he tried to not dwell upon his dining habits in his alternate forms.

Hopefully, it would be something he’d never be forced to tell Sabrina, either. It would be enough to send any sensible girl running for the nearest airport. Although Sabrina, he snorted, had proved less than sensible so far. She’d be far too brave to be scared by a beast.

She liked him.

Nonetheless, he’d rather keep this part of his job hidden from her. Just like he wouldn’t tell her that he was technically a king. Telling her of his position might scare her off as no monster could. Loving him would take a big commitment on her part. And she would love him.

Glancing at the disappearing sun, he lumbered to the nearby stream to bathe before returning to Sabrina’s house.

Isaac dressed hurriedly, thankful Connor placed the garments in an easy-to-find spot. He preferred not to wander around the woods naked for too long. Appreciative he had worn a sweater today, he pulled it over his head and shivered.

God, it was cold.

He entered Sabrina’s lawn, noticing the whole house had remained cloaked in darkness. Had she gone to bed already? If so, would the door be locked or open in anticipation of his return?

“Everything go okay, sir?” he inquired. Isaac had been so preoccupied worrying over his welcome, or lack thereof, he hadn’t even heard his approach. Luckily, it was friend and not foe.

“Yes, the beast is dispatched. How did the night go?” he asked. Connor paled before looking away guiltily, and Isaac tensed. “What happened? Is Sabrina okay? Did Elijah come back? Tell me, now.”

“If you’d stop asking questions, I could!” he exclaimed. His eyes widened when he realized he had yelled at his ruler, and he met Isaac’s glare a bit more hesitantly than before. “I mean...yes, sir. Sabrina asked why you chased the mongrel, instead of me. I got caught off guard, so I told her it only made sense you would go yourself, seeing as you are the ruler.” The last word drifted off into nothing as Connor stared at his feet.

Isaac’s angry hiss made him snap to attention.

“I’m sorry, I thought she knew.” He shrugged his shoulders and dug his hands into his pockets before rocking back sheepishly on his heels.

Isaac stared up at the moonless sky while attempting to rein in his frustration. Connor hadn’t known what he’d already told Sabrina. He couldn’t be too angry. Sabrina could make a man confess his every sin by batting her eyelashes over her emerald eyes. “It’s okay. But it means there will be more questions to answer tonight. Ones I’d been hoping to avoid. Stay outside and watch for any disturbances. Let me know if anything happens.”

Connor nodded, and Isaac went inside.

Testing the knob, pleasure rolled through him when he found it unlocked. Since the whole house lay bathed in darkness, he crept up the stairs to her room, eager to see her even if she’d fallen asleep. He could watch her sigh in her sleep, her face unguarded in deep slumber. Unless Elijah interrupted, anyway.

He halted as his heart lurched painfully in his chest and stopped beating altogether as he examined the empty bed. Maybe she huddled in the middle? He ripped the covers back and growled when he found the bed empty. The mattress felt cool to the touch, which meant she’d been gone for quite some time.

He sprinted down the stairs and went straight to the front door. Had Elijah taken her? Or even worse, Louisa? Had she broken her promise and left, leaving herself vulnerable to attack?

Or had she simply left him, out of disgust?

His hand on the doorknob, he stopped. If he were Sabrina, would he go to bed, or stubbornly try to stay awake to greet him, no matter how tired he might be?

He crept into the living room and peered at the couch. Sure enough, there she lay. A cold mug of coffee, filled to the top, rested on the table near her head. She seemed to have fallen asleep before she could drink it. It warmed his heart she’d tried to wait up for him, even though she’d been exhausted. But it also terrified him.

He collapsed into a nearby chair as a swell of emotions overcame him. He knew he loved her. For him, that much had been a given from their very first meeting.

But he hadn’t realized the sheer power she held over him, nor how much he needed her. His eyes took in every precious detail about her. From the way she lay on her side with her legs curled up against her chest, to the gentle sweep of eyelashes against porcelain skin. He reached forward to brush her soft cheek and his fingers came away wet.

Tags: Diane Alberts Paranormal