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“I missed you,” he whispered against her wrist.

“I missed you, too,” Story responded breathlessly.

Daniel lowered her hand from his mouth and kept hold of it between them. “Did you? For a while there, I wasn’t so sure.”

“You could have called me anytime and found out for yourself.”

He played with her fingers. “I’m here now.”

“I noticed.” She smiled. “So did everyone else.”

Still, he didn’t look away, but leaned closer to talk softly against her lips. “I only want you noticing me. And I want to be the only one noticing you. Which you’re making incredibly difficult looking as beautiful as you do tonight.”

“My feet hurt,” she blurted.

He laughed and kissed her lips, lingering there before pulling back. “I’ll make it better.” His voice had dropped deeper in pitch and Story felt an answering pull in her belly.


“Yes, Story?”

“Can we go now?”

Lips twitching, he started to answer just as Hayden sidled up to the bar and blew out a frustrated breath. “I swear, my mother is going to start a petition to bring back arranged marriage just to get me to the altar before I’m thirty.”

Daniel signaled the bartender, looking amused by her friend. “Hi, Hayden.”

“Hey, Daniel.” Hayden glanced down at their joined hands, then back up at Daniel. “So I guess this means we’re no longer phone buddies?”

Story frowned, splitting a look between them. “Phone buddies?”

Hayden laughed at Daniel’s uncomfortable expression. “Relax. I think the fact that you called to check on Story will probably earn you points.”

As Hayden’s words registered, she looked back at a nervous-looking Daniel. “You did that?” He nodded once, then turned to order a round of drinks from the bartender. She turned to Hayden. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

She nodded toward Daniel. “He just wanted to make sure you weren’t going out alone at night. Didn’t think you’d like him being so overprotective.”


“I know. So wrong. But I promised.”

“Next time, please break your promise.”

Hayden turned serious, reaching out to touch her arm. “Story, he’s a really good guy. Don’t let there be a next time. Okay?”

“I’m thinking about it.”

Her friend’s smirk shifted back into place. “Good. Earth mother, out.” She picked up the fresh drink Daniel had slid in front of her and saluted them. “Duty calls. You kids be good.”

“Thanks, Hay.” With a wink, her friend disappeared back through the crowd. Story took a sip of the drink Daniel offered her and peered up at him over the rim. Underneath his handsome exterior, she could see he was tired, the lines around his mouth more pronounced than usual. “If you wanted to check on me, you should have just come over.”

Daniel gave her a look. “You know what would’ve happened if I came over. It would have defeated the purpose of what we talked about.”

“Then what changed?”

“Come with me,” he said, after a slight hesitation.

He took her drink, placed it on the bar, then led her through the crowded room toward the terrace. When they walked through the double doors into the balmy night air, one other couple occupied the stone balcony smoking, but they finished their cigarettes and returned inside a moment later. Daniel steered her toward a wrought iron bench and sat, then pulled her into his lap. Story wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Hi,” she whispered. “Did we really do that earlier over the phone?”

“Unless it was an incredibly vivid dream,” he answered drily. “I’ve been having a lot of those starring you lately.”

“Have you?” Story leaned forward and kissed his lips softly. “Tell me what changed your mind about staying away.”

Daniel sighed. Reaching down, he slipped off her high heels and set them aside. His hand returned a moment later to run a thumb firmly up the arch of her sore foot. Startled by the action and how good it felt, Story gave an embarrassingly loud moan.

“How does that feel?”

“Like you’re trying to distract me.”

Daniel laughed. “Do you want me to stop?”

“God, no. If you stop, I’ll kill you.”

He studied her face for a moment as if memorizing it, then his expression turned serious. “You wanted to know why I changed my mind about staying away.” He looked away. “It’s pretty simple. I’ll take you any way I can get you.”

Daniel’s thumb circled the ball of her foot, and she bit her lip at the pleasure. “Meaning?”

“Meaning, I’m not going to waste another minute of the time I have with you. The last five days have been hell.” His hand slid up to cup her ankle, and his penetrating gaze met hers once more. “Come home with me tonight.”

“You don’t even have to ask,” she murmured.

“Yes, I do. I would never take you for granted.” He switched to the other foot, laughing when her eyes rolled back in her head. “Although now that I know your weakness, maybe I can convince you to stay on the East Coast with the promise of free foot massages.”

She finally gave in, letting a gasp of enjoyment escape her lips. “It just might work.”

His hand froze for a second before continuing. “Don’t tease me.”

“I’m sorry.” With her hand, she turned his face toward hers. It hovered on the tip of her tongue that she didn’t feel so certain about leaving New York, but she hesitated. “Daniel, take me home. For tonight, let’s just pretend I’m not leaving and we’ve got all the time in the world.”

He considered her. “I’m not sure I can do that, but I’ll try. For you.”

She stood and slipped her shoes back on with a grimace. “I’ll go say good-bye to Hayden and her mom. Meet you by the bar.”

Familiar hunger swirled in his eyes. “Hurry.”

Story nodded and hurried off. After five minutes of searching, she found Hayden and her mother sitting on a chaise lounge, deep in conversation with an older gentleman, her friend’s eyes practically glazing over with boredom. She signaled her with a wave.

“Hey, we’re taking off.” She leaned down and kissed Hayden on the cheek. Her mother didn’t pause in her speech, but nodded in acknowledgment at Story. “Thanks for everything. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Sure, sure. Leave me here to rot while you get your freak on with Mr. Wonderful.”

“I love you.”

“You should.” She gave her a push. “Bye.”

“Bye.” Turning in the direction of the bar, she searched for Daniel’s tall figure among the crowd and saw him standing at the bar, talking to someone. As she neared, she saw that a woman stood close enough that she brushed against Daniel. The woman, dark-haired and willowy, appeared to be a little older than Story. In a strapless white cocktail dress, she looked cool and perfect. Like fancy hotel parties were a part of her everyday agenda.

Unable to see Daniel’s face, she watched as the woman ran a hand down the front of his shirt, smiling up at him flirtatiously. Story felt her heart sink to her stomach, and tears sprang to her eyes. But something urged her closer. Feeling like her insides had been hollowed out, she sidestepped a group of women and Daniel’s face came into view. His eyes were not on the woman, but furiously scanning the room. For her? He looked uncomfortable, backing away from the woman and saying something Story couldn’t hear.

Tags: Tessa Bailey Line of Duty Erotic