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Angel tucked her hands in her back pockets and waited for Chaya’s answer, affecting a look of pristine innocence when her mother threw her a disgruntled look.

“Natches, you know how sensitive security systems used to be.” She rolled her eyes as though it were silly. “Burn something the least bit and it would go off. And if you didn’t get to the keypad fast enough the program contacted the fire department.” She shrugged negligently.

Angel nearly gaped at the gross understatement.

“The curtains were burning,” she reminded her mother. “And they were far enough away from the stove that I still have trouble figuring that one out.”

Why did she want to laugh? Why did that look of narrow-eyed warning her mother shot her have laughter bubbling in her throat?

“You were three, BeeBee,” Chaya pointed out tolerantly before turning back to Natches. “You know kids remember things far differently than the actual events.”

Angel was about to choke on her amazement now. Chaya said that so innocently, so sincerely.

“Hmm, no, but maybe you’ll explain it to me later,” Natches suggested as Duke stepped into the kitchen from the suite at the same time Ethan entered from the hall.

“Declan and Harley will be ready if they’re needed,” Ethan told her.

“Two other cousins from the other side of the mountain, Jacob and Jonah, are on overwatch. We’ll join them,” Natches stated, collecting his assault rifle, one similar to Angel’s, from the counter behind him. “If they do come and they get past us, then get to that safe room with Bliss until help arrives.”

Angel arched her brow and noticed Chaya’s lips twitch.

“I mean it, Chay,” Natches growled. “Don’t take chances.”

“Yes, Natches. You’re still sexy when you get all He-Man,” she assured him as though it were a question. “Get your ass in trouble out there and you sleep on the couch, though.”

His eyes narrowed back at his wife.

“You’re in trouble,” he muttered, pointing his back at her with arrogant certainty. “Trouble.”

“According to you, I am trouble.” That smile of complacency and sensual awareness that curled her mother’s lips was highly uncomfortable to see, Angel realized, looking away as Natches pulled his wife to him for a quick kiss.

“Disgusting, huh?” Bliss sighed, shaking her head. “You’d think those two are still on their honeymoon.”

“Completely disgusting.” Duke laughed, swung Angel around, and stole a quick kiss, then tapped her ass as he strode past her.

“Buzzz,” Ethan hissed as he followed, obviously finding immeasurable enjoyment in the nickname.

“You know I’ll end up hurting him,” she informed Bliss, who’d obviously heard it, if the small tug of a grin at her lips was any indication.

“I think it’s cute,” Bliss decided. “Like an older brother. Only nicer than mine.”

“I thought Declan was nice.” He’d always been nice to her anyway.

Bliss shrugged.

“He calls me Sister Mary Bliss,” she said, her expression uneasy as she pushed the fork through cold scrambled eggs. “He said Dad has already ordered my habit and chosen the convent.”

The too-serious and far-too-responsible Declan?

“Who knew he could joke?” Angel was impressed. She wouldn’t have expected Declan to do so.

“I don’t think he’s joking.” The uneasiness in Bliss’s voice and expression wasn’t for effect either. “I keep finding searches for convents on the computer after Dad’s finished using it.”

Natches was going to end up getting his ass in trouble where his daughter was concerned if he wasn’t careful.

“Let me guess, it just started since he realized you were interested in boys?” Angel snorted. “Go figure. Of course you found the searches. He wanted you to find them. I’ve watched so many fathers we’ve protected play those games with their kids.” She gave a dismissive wave of her hand at the idea of it.

It never failed to amaze her the games those fathers had played with their daughters.

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