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“What?” she hissed, horrified. “With both of them?” She glanced between Ethan’s shock and Duke’s dark scowl. “That is so nasty. . . . Motherfu—” She bit the word off as Chaya leveled a sudden frown on her. “I’m gonna be sick,” she muttered. “That is just sick.”

She backed closer to the door of the suite, needing to escape, staring at her mother as though she had never seen the woman before. To compare Duke and Ethan to the deviants her husband and his cousins had been in their youth was criminal.

“That’s like accusing me of sleeping with my brother.” She was certain she was going to throw up.

“Well, that wasn’t unheard of in the family,” Dawg announced from the doorway. “Though, not in our generation.”

Rowdy was behind him, the long-suffering look on his face a clue that Dawg was just as crazy as Chaya.

“I need a drink,” she whispered faintly.

“It’s only eight in the morning,” Chaya reminded her. “You’ll have to wait awhile.”

Only eight? It felt like she’d been up all day. Wasn’t that what mattered?

“Its five o’clock somewhere.” Angel backed out of the kitchen and through the open doorway into the suite, still staring at the Mackays in disbelief. “This place is insane. I swear to God . . . insane.”

“Duke didn’t give you deets on the family history?” Dawg laughed as she felt like finding a hole to crawl into. “That was remiss of you, Duke.”

“Not much on family history, I guess.” Duke didn’t look any happier than she did at the moment.

Angel glared at Dawg. His sense of humor was completely tacky this morning.

“Oh, I know the family history,” she assured them. “All of it. I just can’t believe she’d think . . .” She swallowed again. “I really think I’m gonna be sick.”

• • •

Duke managed to hold his laughter in until the door slammed behind Angel, drowning out her outrage.

“Very good,” he complimented Chaya with a tilt of his head in true admiration. “You never would have talked her out of going after that kid. At least you’ve delayed her for a while.”

Talking Angel out of anything when she had that look on her face was impossible.

“With her leg in that shape?” She stared at the door Angel had gone through, shaking her head in disbelief before pushing her fingers through her hair and breathing out wearily. “You keep her here. I’ll fill Dawg and Rowdy in and they can tell Saul and Seth what’s going on. The twins can take care of collecting Bran and my stubborn daughter can keep her rear in place and let that leg rest.”

She was good; Duke had to give her credit. She’d picked something that immediately shocked Angel and distracted her for a moment. But that didn’t mean it would keep her from going after the Davinov boy before Seth and Saul could leave.

“I think your plan worked,” he told her with a nod. “Ethan, you can update me after they leave.”

His brother nodded as Chaya went to the table and stared at the pictures, her expression hardening. She wanted to exact vengeance herself, Duke knew. She was sending the twins rather than heading out herself with Natches so that if there were any problems, Bliss wouldn’t blame any of them. As much as she needed to hurt someone for Bliss’s pain, she didn’

t want that between her and her youngest daughter. Or between Bliss and her sister.

Drawing her attention, Dawg nodded toward the living room, where Natches still held Bliss, their low voices reaching into the kitchen.

“She okay?” he asked softly.

“She will be,” Chaya answered, looking up from the pictures. “As soon as Saul and Seth find the Davinov boy. He’s staying with—”

“Lucas Mayes.” Dawg nodded. “The twins are coming now. We’ll join them and get him here fast.”

Chaya stared into the living room a long moment, her expression as hard as granite, her brown eyes burning with anger and pain.

“Hurry, Dawg,” she finally told him, her gaze worried now. “I don’t have a good feeling about this. I don’t have a good feeling at all.”

He and Rowdy stared at her for a long moment, and Duke had seen that expression too many times to mistake it. It was the knowledge a soldier has that the shit was going to hit the fan, and when it did, it might not be pretty.

It was the same feeling Duke had felt himself since first hearing of the attempted abduction.

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