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“He was already crazy,” she informed him flippantly. “And I doubt he did it because he was worried. He did it to attempt to rack brownie points with those cousins of his. Too bad it was a wasted effort.”

“Hmm,” he murmured, probing at the stitches and causing her to wince at the sensitivity. “I’m going to have to clean this and replace these stitches.”

“Like hell.” Her gaze snapped to her leg as she tried to move her thigh from his grip and she got a good look at the reddened flesh.

Yeah, those stitches had torn quite a bit. Enough that the pressure she’d put on her leg and the aspirin had caused it to seep blood for most of the day.

“Just patch it up, and hurry before he gets back in here.” She so did not want to fight with Duke. “The stitches will be fine.”

“I’ll reclean this wound and replace those stitches or call Duke back in here right now and see if he can’t convince you.” His voice firmed, turning from tolerant and nice to that arrogance she was beginning to associate with Mackays alone.

“I’ll kick your ass if you don’t hurry and bandage it.” She leaned closer and inserted her best “do it now” tone.

Ethan’s smile was a little too patronizing to suit her as he glanced back at her from surveying the med kit and lifting several sterilized pouches free.

Needle and thread, several prefilled syringes, and various bandages.

“I said now. . . .” she growled.

“I said Duke,” he reminded her and he meant business.

“Did I mention I hate you, too?” she snarled, narrowing her eyes on him. “I was prepared to forgive you for letting him lie to me, but I’ve just changed my mind.”

Duke stepped in from the patio, his gaze going immediately to her leg. A second later he gave a slow shake of his head and his expression tightened, a sure sign he was trying to hide the depth of his anger. And of course, right on his heels were Chaya and Natches.

“She won’t let me restitch it, Duke,” Ethan complained, obviously hiding a smile. “She’s whining like a petulant little five-year-old. Would you do something with her?”

Sliding Ethan a look of promised retribution she pulled her leg to the side again as he reached for it.

“I’ll take care of it myself,” she gritted out, shooting him a furious glare. “Go away.”

Duke shook his head, lifted his hand to pinch the top of his nose, then moved to her.

“Stop being such a little wimp,” he berated her as he moved around the bed to the other side of the room. “Let him fix it before I have to hold you down.”

Watching him closely as he moved around her, she silently dared him to try anything.

Hold her down, would he? She’d bust his balls.

“I so wouldn’t try that if I were you. Trust me, Duke, that would be bad. . . .” Her head jerked around at the sting in her arm, eyes widening in outrage as she watched Ethan pull a syringe back from it.

“You’ll feel great once you wake up.” He was obviously laughing at her. “Can’t believe you fell for that one again, Shorty . . .”

She blinked at him.

“Hate you . . .” She sighed, already feeling the effects of whatever he pushed in her arm. “Gonna neuter you.”

Her eyes dipped closed as she felt Duke’s arms go around her and lift her from the bed, only to lay her back on the pillows, giving Ethan easy access to her leg.

She stared up at him, those dark green eyes meeting hers so somberly.

“Make her leave,” she whispered. “Not while I’m weak . . .”

She couldn’t let her mother see her while she was weak.

• • •

Duke was aware of Chaya and Natches as they stared at Angel silently, concern marking their expressions before Chaya turned on her heel and left the bedroom.

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