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He tried to ease inside her . . . tried to go slow, to go easy. Until her sweet, hot muscles clamped down on the crest, rippling over it like the most incredible little mouth.

“Oh God . . . Duke . . .” She moved against him, bore down on the thick flesh penetrating her, tightened on it. The feel of her juices spilling from her and traveling along the length of his cock nearly blew his mind. “I need you. . . . I need you so much. . . .”

The words, torn from her, slammed into his head and for a second stole the last thread of control he possessed. He pulled back and slammed his hips forward, buried his full length inside her, and fought the need to pound into her.

Stilling, he held her to him, fighting to drag in enough air to clear his senses and take her like a man instead of an animal with his first fuck.

“Move,” she said. Her hips undulated, the fist-tight grip of her sleek inner muscles rippling around his flesh, sucking at the head of his cock.

Duke tightened his hands on her ass, fighting to hold on to his control. Fuck, she was killing him. Pleasure tightened through his body until he swore his mind was going to explode along with his balls.

“Move now,” she demanded, her nails rasping against his scalp a second before she pulled his hair. Hard.

His lips slammed down over her hers, he pulled his hips back, slammed forward, and he was a goner. Hot silk tightened on him, rippled and stroked along his cock, and his head exploded with the sensations.

Her leg . . .

Fuck, had to be careful . . .

One hand slid beneath her wounded leg and his control snapped. He was pounding inside her, fucking her like a man possessed.

Hell, he was a man possessed.

He’d been possessed by this need for her since she was eighteen and it had only strengthened over the years. Each time he was around her, each time he gained a smile when he wanted a laugh, each time he’d seen the flash of awareness and growing hunger in her eyes.

God help him, but this woman was his weakness and rather than running as far and as fast as possible when he’d realized it, he’d stayed right in the line of fire.

He was possessed by this pleasure.

By the flames burning up his spine, and the woman holding tight to him, crying out his name, her sheath tightening, her breaths gasping, her nails digging into his scalp. Her snug channel clamped down on his dick, stroked along it as he felt the little spasms, the convulsive clench, and the orgasm that raced over her, through her, spilling her slick juices in a fiery rush of liquid heat.

“Fuck. Angel.” His release took him by surprise.

Fireworks exploded from his balls up his spine then back again to the torturously hard length of his cock before exploding past his control.

“Sweet baby . . .” The groan was torn from him as he slammed his full length inside her, semen spilling inside the heated, rippling depths of her body as he held to her.

Relishing every powerful ejaculation, every flexing stroke of her sweet sheath, he knew somehow, someway, she’d slipped beneath his shields farther than he’d ever imagined.

She owned a part of him.

No one had ever owned any part of him until now, until Angel.

As the final pulses of his release shot inside her, he knew the fractures she’d somehow found in his defenses had to be repaired.

If they could be repaired.

Turning, all but stumbling inside to the bed, Duke eased her to the mattress, his lips buried in her neck, his cock still buried inside her, still encased by a pleasure he was loath to extract himself from.

Forcing himself back from her was one of the hardest things he’d ever done.

Hell, he’d done no more than release his cock from his pants before taking her. He was still perfectly dressed other than the opening of his jeans and the belt he’d only barely managed to loosen before jerking the metal button free and unzipping the material.

“Fuck, you’re gonna kill me.” He breathed out roughly as he lay back on the bed beside her.

He’d get up in a minute and fix his clothes. Or finish removing them, which would be a far better idea.

Looking over at her, he wasn’t surprised by the feeling of smug satisfaction that filled him.

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