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Silence filled the room as he watched her, the tension gathering, questions raging between them until she finally asked the one question she never should have asked.

“Then why did you stay?”

He came over her, aware of her rolling to her back, staring up at him, not in surprise, but in interest and hunger.

“Because of this,” he said. “I stayed because of this.”


And she couldn’t escape him, Angel knew, couldn’t escape the need that only grew with each breath.

“It’s a bad idea,” she said as his head lowered, his lips almost brushing hers. “You know it is.”

“Trust me, baby,” he whispered. “We got this.”

His lips covered hers and he stole her mind with his kiss. Angel didn’t protest. She didn’t want to protest.

God, how she had ached for his presence after she’d left the marina. Ached for his warmth, for the sound of his voice.

As his lips moved over hers, his kisses rough, hungry, he pushed the blankets from her, his hands touching, stroking. He released her long enough to strip her tank top from her, only to bend to the tight peak of her nipple and suck it into his mouth.

“Oh . . .” The expulsion of breath came as a delirium of pleasure cascaded through her, shaking her body and her senses.

Her lips parted, hands lifting until they lay against his sides, feeling the strength and the warmth of him against her.

She had to do something, she thought, or he was going to quickly realize just how inexperienced she was. She didn’t want that. He was soothing that horrifying darkness inside her and filling her with pleasure. She didn’t want to just take. She wanted to give as well.

She let her palms caress up his sides, then his back. Powerful muscles flexed beneath the tough skin, tensing against her touch. Curling her fingers she wanted nothing more than to rake her fingers down his back and test the strength and power of it.

“Softest hands,” he said softly, the fingers at her hip just rubbing gently. “But don’t be scared to use your nails, darlin’. It’s all good, I promise.”

It was like his eyes smiled, encouraging her, teasing her gently, just before his lips slanted over hers and his tongue pushed inside her mouth.

Her fingers curled, nails pressing into his tough hide in reflex as pleasure enveloped her body. The hand at her hip stroked from her hip to her breast. Cupping the sensitive mound, his thumb stroked over the aching tip, sending streaks of pleasure straight to her vagina.

An involuntary gasp escaped Angel’s lips as her hips arched and her hands gripped his back. Her nails pricked then scraped over his upper back as her head tossed against the mattress. Through each kiss, each incredible plateau of pleasure he eased the boy shorts from her hips and down her legs until she could kick them off.

Until she was naked. Until there were no clothes between his touch and her flesh, between sensation and pleasure.

Those experienced, drugging kisses moved from her lips to her jawline, kissing and tasting her, nipping gently before moving along her neck, over her collarbone, spreading a heated pleasure that began building, spreading rapidly through her senses. Waves of it were washing over her, stealing thought, stealing hesitation, and filling her with a rapidly building need for more.

This was incredible.

Hungry, heated lips stroked over the mound of her breast, brushed over her nipple.

Arching into the sizzling flash of sensation, her senses suddenly overloaded, overheated. The moist heat of his mouth surrounded the engorged tip, drawing firmly with deep, hungry pulls.

Forcing her eyes open Angel stared down at him, aware of his gaze locked on her. His cheeks hollowed, lust and pleasure filling his expression, a ruddy hint of color flushing his features.

As she watched, feeling him sucking her nipple, his tongue flicking against the tip, rasping over it, Angel felt herself sinking deeper into the chaotic storm building through her body and overtaking her senses.

“Don’t stop,” she whispered as the suction eased, his lips releasing the tortured point.

“I don’t intend to stop,” he assured her, his voice a deep, dark growl of male pleasure.

Moving to the opposite peak his lips covered the sensitive bundle of nerve endings, tormenting it, pleasuring it as he had the other. As he sucked at her hungrily his hand stroked down her side, her hip. Caressing, exciting her flesh, his hand eased between her thighs.

Calloused fingertips slid through the heavy moisture gathered along the narrow slit, easing through the aching flesh to find the swollen bud of her clit. There, he circled the throbbing flesh, rasped around it, over it.

Tags: Lora Leigh Nauti Girls Erotic