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Where the hell was he taking her?


“It’s just up ahead.”

Her mother would think of this as a great adventure. Elena was going to be downright pissed if she ended up butchered to death by some guy she’d just had phenomenal sex with and not even live to tell Marco about it.

Marco had liked him. And Marco was usually a great judge of people. He frequently pointed out the losers she dated, steered her away from guys he told her were no good for her. He was a lot like her mother in that respect.

So if this one ended up being a serial killer, it was going to be all Marco’s fault.

Well. At least she’d retained her sense of humor.

There. They broke through a clearing. They were on a point at a hill, the ocean at a distance.

Jed put the car in park.

“Come on.”

She gave him a wary look.

“Elena, I promise you’re going to be safe. Trust me.”

Ha. Famous last words. Then again, if they’d wanted her dead, wouldn’t he have just let the guy with the gun take care of it? Why the elaborate ruse?

Dammit. None of this made sense.

She got out of the car when Jed opened the door.

It was so dark she couldn’t see anything.

“Give me your hand. Stay close to me.”

She slipped her hand in his and he led her up the hill.

When they reached the top, she saw the helicopter. Jed started toward it, but Elena stopped. He turned to her as the blades began to rotate and the helicopter fired its engines.

“No.” She tugged on his hold, not sure what she was going to do, but if she got in that helicopter, he could take her anywhere.

“Elena, come on. You have to go with me.”

The chopper’s blades began to stir up a heavy breeze, blowing her hair into her face. She grabbed onto her hair with one hand while trying to pull her other hand free from Jed’s grasp. “No. I’m not going with you.”

He wouldn’t let her go. “What are you going to do? Go back to your house?”

“Yes. And I’m going to call the police. Why didn’t you call the police, Jed? What are you hiding?”

He looked exasperated with her. She didn’t care. She wanted the truth.

“I’m not hiding anything from you. I’m trying to keep you safe.”

“Calling the cops would have been a good start, instead of leaving that dead guy at my house.”

“I promise you’ll have the truth, as soon as we get you out of here.”

She shook her head. “No. I’m not getting in that thing. And who’s “we”?

The next thing she knew she was thrust over Jed’s shoulder and he was running for the helicopter. She struggled, but she was dumped in the seat and held there while the chopper lifted off.

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