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Elena wore skinny jeans, a white T-shirt and a short leather jacket along with a pair of leather boots. She’d pulled her hair back in a ponytail, and it swung back and forth as they walked toward the bike.

“What?” she asked as he handed her a helmet.

“You look hot.”

Her cheeks stained a blush. “I do not. Did I dress right?”

“Perfect.” He tightened her chin strap and climbed on the bike. She got on behind him and snugged her thighs against his, wrapping her arms around him.

Yeah. Perfect fit.

“Ready?” he asked, slanting her a look over his shoulder.


He started the engine, goosed the throttle and headed out, rolling out past the myriad of hotels on Atlantic Avenue. He wanted to get them out of the tourist area.

Bikers were out in force already, and he blended in, weaving in and out with them as they moved along with the flow of traffic. Elena was quiet and he wondered what she thought of all this. She hadn’t moved since they’d taken off. Her legs were still pressed along his, her arms still wrapped around his middle. He reached down to touch her leg and she reacted by squeezing her thighs against his and leaning forward.

“This is wonderful,” she said.

He grinned and picked up a little speed once they got past the heavier traffic. He took them out onto Highway 1 and toward Ormond Beach, finally pulling into a seafood grill he’d read about.

Elena climbed off and took off her helmet, shaking her hair free of her ponytail. “Great choice,” she said as she wound the ponytail holder onto her wrist.

“How was the ride?”

“Surprisingly exhilarating.”

“Surely that wasn’t your first time on a bike.”

“No, but it’s been a very long time. I’d forgotten how fun it could be.”

He smoothed a few stray hairs away from her cheek and tucked them behind one ear. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. Let’s go eat.”

They went inside and got a table right away since he’d made reservations. He ordered water since he was driving. She ordered a glass of white wine.

“Are you sure you don’t want a glass of wine or a beer?” she asked.

“Not when I’m riding.”

“Oh. Good point. Aren’t you the careful driver.”

“Not always, but with the rally in town there are enough people boozing it up and getting on their bikes. I like to keep a clear head.”

She tilted her head to the side and took a sip of her wine. “So tell me about yourself, Jed Templeton.”

“What would you like to know?”

“Oh . . . everything.”

And this was where he’d have t

o make up a pack of lies. Now all she’d have to do was take the bait. “I was born and raised in Dallas. Pretty middle-class stuff. Average neighborhood. Only child. My dad was an engineer, my mom stayed at home. I went to college at UT, studied business and graduated decently. I tried the whole corporate thing but I was bored, so I went to work for a private investigation company down there. I was always into gym stuff so I liked the physical aspect of the work more than the paperwork side and I became a P.I.”

“A P.I., huh? I’ll bet that was interesting.”

“It was. Lots of lowlifes, cheaters and scammers. Never a dull moment.”

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